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He prowled the fog-shrouded alleys, searching for prey. His footfalls were mere whispers on the cobblestones and he slipped from shadow to shadow, his cloak ripping behind him.

Of late darkness has become both his lover and enemy, the thing he craved and the thing he most longed to escape. When a gust of wind whipped through the alley way, driving both the mist and clouds before it, he turned to face the moon.

Perhaps he was already becoming the very thing he was hunting........ A predator without mercy or remorse......

Striding out if the shadows, he grabbed the man by the shoulder and spun him around. When she saw the feral gleam in his eyes, the pretty girls face went slack with fear.

Closing his hand around his prey's throat, he slammed him up against the lamppost. He lifted him effortlessly, tightening his group until the man's booted feet flailed at the air and his icy blue eyes became to bulge . " pardon me, mate" , he growled, an affable smile curving his lips. " I hate to trouble you, but I do believe the lady promised this dance to me."

The Dark LordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang