Even if I die, it's you

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Hello! Okay so, just to get something clear, I know that their real names are not Sun Woo and Ji Dwi but because those are the names they use for the majority of the show I decided to not make this more complicated and just use those. Also, I want to say in advance that I really, truly like the Sun Woo-Ah Ro, Young Joon-Miso and Min Hyuk-Bong Soon couples very much and a lot. Unfortunately, for the sake of my fanfiction, I need to break them up. So sorry to all of the fans! L

Disclaimer: I don't own the "Hwarang", "What's wrong with Secretary Kim?" or "Strong woman Do Bong Soon" universes, the characters of this story as well as the pictures I use for the story. I also have specific moments and dialogs of the actual series in the story, which of course are not mine either. And about "Even if I die, it's you", I don't own the song and the translation is not mine. All credit goes to their original owners and artists.

Alright that's all I wanted to say. I hope you enjoy the story. :D


Neither of them remembered when or how it had started. Ah Ro was the reason they had met and also what had brought them closer. Yet those feelings had started later. After they had joined Hwarang, after they had met Ah Ro and each other.

It wasn't that they had never felt anything for Ah Ro. The girl had really helped Ji Dwi a lot and he was more than grateful to her about it – he had actually developed a crush on her at some point. Sun Woo, on the other hand, never really saw her romantically. He wanted to protect her and make her happy, yes, but in the way a brother would. Both guys cared about Ah Ro a lot, there was no doubting that.

However, somewhere along the line, Sun Woo had started feeling differently around Ji Dwi. And Ji Dwi had started feeling differently around Sun Woo. First, it had gone from hatred to simple dislike. Then from dislike to acceptance. And then from acceptance to friendship. In the end, friendship had turned into something more.

At first, neither of them had wanted to admit it. Not just to each other or other people, but to themselves as well. When those feelings wouldn't go away, though, and had only kept growing they had to do something.

Confessing hadn't been easy. Living in a society like theirs, loving a person of the same gender was kind of taboo on its own. Then, each man had his own personal reasons to be hesitant.

Sun Woo had known that Ji Dwi was the King pretty much from the beginning, he just didn't want to believe it. But the thought had always been there, wondering in his mind, staying at the back of it and then coming forward to bother him again and again, to remind him who Ji Dwi could actually be. That's why he had tried to avoid the feelings that kept growing inside of him, to suppress them until they disappeared. He wanted to kill the King – no, he had to kill the King, to take revenge for his friend. But what if Ji Dwi turned out to be the King? Sun Woo couldn't be in love with the King! And he couldn't kill Ji Dwi either. He just couldn't. So, he had tried to ignore his feelings and at the same time to pretend like he didn't know Ji Dwi was the King.

Ji Dwi had also known that him being the King would turn out to be a problem for their relationship. Not just whatever that relationship could turn into – or what he wanted it to be – but also what it already was. A good friendship. One that Ji Dwi had never had before. He hated that all of it could turn into dust because of who he had been trying to hide he was. Hated that Sun Woo hated the person he had been trying not to be. However, that wasn't the only thing stopping him. It was also his mother and his role as the King. Queen Jiso would never allow that kind of relationship between her son and a man – especially considering that man was Sun Woo. And what would happen if the word that the King was in love with a man got out to the people of Silla or even farther than that? Best case scenario, they would overthrow him and let him live his life peacefully afterwards – also least likely scenario. Worst case scenario, they would kill both him and Sun Woo – also most likely scenario.

Even if I die it's youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora