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“Do you believe in aliens?”

“That's random.”

“Do you?”

“I think they're real.”

“I know they are out there, somewhere, flying around in piloted crafts.”

“The universe is infinite; surely we can't be the only ones living in it.”

“What about ghosts?”




“Supernatural beings?”

“Of course.”


“You haven't seen one.”

“You're right, but that doesn't mean I don't have to believe that they exist.”

“Believing is not only being able to see.”

“Sometimes, you just need to know in your heart that they do.”

“But aren't they considered as fantasy?”

“What's fantasy for you?”

“Pure imagination.”


“Well, for me, fantasy is an escape for people who don't want to deal with reality.”

“It's not wrong to believe in it, you know.”


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