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"Rise and shine! It's time for morning gathering!"Mickey winced at Cordelia's voice

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"Rise and shine! It's time for morning gathering!"
Mickey winced at Cordelia's voice.
The twins opened up the door, each only in their underwear.
"I expect all three of you downstairs in five minutes."
Cordelia gave them a kind smile.
"Shall we come in this?"
Madison quirked an eyebrow as Mickey ran a hand through his hair.
Cordelia merely sighed, turning on her heel as she made her way back downstairs.
"My God, get over it already."
Madison groaned, seeing Zoe looking up the boy in the bus crash.
"He spent his summers volunteering for the United Way."
"Oh he should be canonized."
Madison rolled her eyes as Mickey began to get dressed.
"How can you be such a bitch?"
Zoe glared at the girl.
"We understand people Zoe, that kid was just as bad as the rest of them."
Mickey glared at the brunette.
"No, that's bullshit. He wasn't like that."
"And you know from your five minutes of speaking to him?"
Mickey laughed in her face obnoxiously.
"I don't accept that."
Zoe shook her head.
"Look, for the sake of peace among roommates, I'm sorry we killed your boy candy okay?"
Madison sighed, blowing her hair out of her face.
"I'm not,"
Mickey smirked placing a cigarette between his teeth.
"He can rot in hell for all I care."

"Did they send you to jail?"
"No. There were lots of witnesses, and none of them had actually seen me throw the oil.
But it made the local newspaper, and that's how Miss. Cordelia found me."
Queenie explained her story to Zoe.
"You didn't want to join us at first."
"I grew up on that white girl shit. Like Charmed and Sabrina the Teenage Cracker."
Queenie shook her head as the Montgomery twins shared an eye roll.
"I didn't know that there were even black witches. But as it turns out I'm an heir to Tituba. She was a house slave in Salem. She was the first to be accused of witchcraft. So, technically, I'm part of your tribe."
Queenie ranted on.
"Is this where we all sing 'Kum-Bah-Yah?'"
Madison laughed.
"Bitch I will eat you!"
Queenie shouted, moving to stand.
However Mickey jumped in front of her, throwing his hand out as he forced the girl to sit.
"Hey! Hey!"
Cordelia shouted, stepping between Mickey and stopping him from using his powers on Queenie.
"You guys have got to start taking care of each other. We have enough enemies on the outside."
Cordelia sighed.
"Ms. Foxx?"
Two men appeared in the doorway with Spalding, Madison and Mickey giving each other a confused glance.
"Detective Sanchez, NOPD Homicide. My partner, Detective Stiles,"
The man introduced.
"What's this about?"
Cordelia asked softly.
"We'd like to have a word with two of your girls, and your boy."

"When movie stars like yourselves show up at a sorority house, people are gonna pay attention to where you go and with who."
The Detective stared down the twins as they held on tight to each other's hands.
"Lots if people saw you both go into a back room with some of the guys on the bus,"
Mickey squeezed his sister's hand tighter as he felt his throat tighten.
"What does that have to do with the bus flipping?"
Zoe questioned.
"These are teenagers. How could they possibly do that?"
Cordelia shook her head in confusion.
One thing Mickey always loved about Cordelia is she made him feel safe, like a mother almost.
"This all seems so silly. I'm just looking for someone who had a motive to hurt those guys, who could've screwed with the breaks. Maybe whatever happened in that room was upsetting-"
"Shouldn't we have a lawyer? Can't you get in trouble for that Detective?"
Mickey hissed, Cordelia and Madison both sensing he was on edge.
"We are just talking. Did you know any of those boys? Have you met them before?"
"No, we barely spoke to any of them that night."
Madison shook her head.
"They took us in the backroom to try and get us high,  we said no obviously."
Mickey lied with a laugh.
"They're sober."
Zoe agreed.
"Except for Vodka and nicotine."
Madison smirked as her twin snickered.
"The twins have a wicked sense of humor. But they've come a long way with their addiction issues. We're very proud of them."
Cordelia quickly covered for them.
"Can I ask you why you visited one of the survivors in the hospital?"
"I-I felt bad for him,"
Zoe mumbled out, Madison staring daggers at her as Mickey clenched his jaw.
"W-We just met him the night before, he seemed nice."
"He died right after you left. The doctors can't quite figure out how, but when we checked you out we noticed that another boy you knew died in the exact same way-"
"Hell of a coincidence isn't it?"
Mickey smirked, a dark look in his eyes as he stared down the Detective.
"T-They gang raped them! They got what they deserved!"
Zoe shouted, both of the twins feeling anger rise in their chests.
"How did you flip the bus? Was it the wheels?"
"It was the wheels-"
"We have no idea what she's talking about."
Madison shook her head as did Mickey.
"Nobody raped us,"
Mickey shook his head, swallowing hard.
"She's clearly lost her mind."
Madison continued.
"Mickey did it, he can move things with his mind and set things on fire!"
Zoe shouted, Mickey stood up at that feeling unspeakable anger overtake him.
"If you keep running your mouth I'm gonna set you on fire next,"
He growled.
"I killed the asshole in that hospital! Madison and I have powers too! We're witches!"
"I'm sorry Detective, Zoe has clearly suffered some kind of mental breakdown."
Cordelia glared at the girl.
"No enough lying! It's over! Everyone here is a witch, I'm so sorry, please don't send us to jail."
Zoe cried, Mickey clenching his jaw so hard he was shocked his teeth hadn't broken.
"Nobody's going to jail, will you leave us please?"
Fiona entered the room with a disgusted look.
The three teens left, Mickey spinning on Zoe and giving her a hateful glare.
"If you ever do anything like that again I will kill you."

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