Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

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I let out a small groan while looking around for another seat which happened to be a single vacant desk at the very last row.

The room was silent and everyone's eyes were on me as I began walking up the long set of stairs that led to the empty seat.

"Sorry. Excuse me", I muttered quietly as I began knocking down people's belongings as I was passing by to my desk.

"Maybe if you come earlier to the lecture you wouldn't hold up the class", my professor grumbled as she appeared to be pointing at me.

Or maybe you should be the one to come five minutes late to teach your class like you normally do.

She then turned her attention to her computer which was laying on the desk and began hooking it up to the projector.

As she was doing so, I started to quietly un-zip my backpack and quickly took out my Chemistry textbook along with my light purple coiled notebook that I only use for my Chemistry class and use various other shades of purple notebooks for different classes.

The female professor began to teach her lesson as the rest of the students, including myself, wrote important notes down, frantically and internally panicking because I couldn't see what was on the screen so I had to rely on my hearing and memory skills.

Any science class that I have taken or am currently taking never fail to amaze me.

There's something about learning more about the world scientifically that seems to always catch my attention.

As the professor continued to teach, my eyes would occasionally glance at the clock on my iPhone and before I knew it, it was twelve thirty, class was over and I had an hour long break to look forward to before my next class started.

"That concludes today's lecture and remember to get all that work done before next class and drop it in the student drop-in box in the foyer", she said through the microphone as she paced back-and-forth.

Usually, I would be one of the first few people out of the class but today I was one of the last.

I packed my bag and made sure that I didn't leave anything behind.

I zipped my backpack back up and got up from the chair without making another sound.

I slipped my arms through the arm straps of the backpack and quickly made my way down the many stairs.

Once I reached the last step, I slowed down my pace and walk out of the classroom to headed to the food court since my University is located in a mall.

After minutes and minutes of decided what to eat for lunch I had settled for some pepperoni pizza and sat down with it at a table with a bottle of water.

I took out my phone from my pocket and began scrolling through Instagram and Tumblr.

Half-an-hour into my break I was finally eating my slice of pizza and took a couple of sips of water.

Sliding my phone back into my pocket, I got up from the chair and threw my paper plate in the garbage while I still held onto my water bottle.

Knowing that I had some time left, I decided to pop into some stores just to kill time, promising myself that I wouldn't buy anything which was sucessful.

I checked the time on my phone at the right moment and noticed that I had five inutes left to get to class.

I briskly walked out of the shop I was in and nearly ran to my next class which I'm glad I did because there were a couple of empty seats left in the front row.

Source Of Insanity (A Jonathan Toews and Tyler Seguin Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now