Dear Jadyn

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'The golden orb of sky traces your shadows, from your lips to the dark principle of your eyes, establishing a safe and daunting soul for me to crawl hold into me, for the longing of my soul desperately wants those eyes for her own.

To keep in my heart's treasure chest for all of eternity.

Your skin follows mine in perfect rhythm as we laugh and laugh, pressing into each other's lips of all our imperfections and happiness...and I'm just fine with that.

The wheat is soft underlying a tone of our insanity from giggles as we hold each other's shaky sides in undying happiness. We fall back, staring out into the sky, all smiles. The field is a tone of pink and the shadows gather about, paling in the silhouette of the moon, almost on its way. And as the summer skies die, my remembrance only grows stronger...just as my love does. We are two equally bearing souls for one another, and...I love you with my whole being.'

I fold the paper,  thin and wrinkled, wrapping it around the roses.                                                                I quickly tie my hair into a bun, intertwining my hair through my fingers to give them something to do. 

The rose petals are soft, just like from the field.

I sit. I stand up. I sit, rubbing a stressful hand across my face's skin. I writhe in a tenseness, in my room, in the dark, yet filled with a deep light. It tracks its way down my veins in heavenly shades and turns my stomach light with butterflies.  I breathe in. And I think, 4th poem to you, the fourth letter of your name, and, slipping off my jacket, I prepare for one more:


Dear Jadyn, when I think of the perfect date, I imagine us laughing, me forgetting our troubles and hope to fill my body until I cry because the artificial happiness that I once knew from my hurt in a mask is finally broken free. Because this lock was personalized to be all of my weakness, and you have the key to it all. The key to my heart.

I imagine us running through the store with the rain pelting against the windows and our true personalities bleeding through. 

I want to hold you close by the warmness and flesh of our bodies combining in a manner deeper than words...and then, I finally kiss you, and it is as if havoc and pain and the world stop.

A piece of light music weaves through the air and through your arms and legs as you dance, making me laugh as only you can do. The glossy shine of your eyes as the song glistens and the street lights reflect only our dancing bodies in sight. And it's beautiful...

I examine the words, setting the paper down and imagine writing this to you. I imagine kissing you and touching your skin against mine...holding you and loving you...but, my dear, it is only a dream...

Only a dream...

Dear Jadyn #PerfectDateWhere stories live. Discover now