f u r r i e s

15 5 1

Welp (no h8 towards them)

Furries are just furries and i was on the weird side of youtube and found a cringe comp. On them. And oh my god. Furries are a no no. But i think that there is a good side to furries aswell. I FrEAKiNg love the art tho. A good furry you should check out that has good art (and that i know in rl) is synkadragonuwu

You wont regret talking to them. Although im not a furry i will stand up for some of them (if its plain out bulling) but if u making jokes and being chill i wont hold it against u (i make jokes aswell) but im proud of them for not giving a flying shit abt haters.


Heres a random clip of this dood hanging out with furries and i accidently said 'awwe'. Help. I-

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