First takes

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Jolts POV

I laugh as I walk home from the first day of school. Soro had just dropped his books and he glared at me. Taylor looked at Soro with an apologetic look. I help him by grabbing his Bio honers book and his History honer book. Taylor grabbed Soros Pre Calc and Tri Honors books.

"How you got two Math classes and one of them honors is beyond me..." Taylor sighed with a chuckle.

"Hey My mom helped me with the whole thing!" Soro said taking the Bio and History book from me.

I take the fake pokeball from my pocket. I held it like I would if I was going to throw it into battle.

"What would you two say if Pokemon came to life?" I ask opening and closing the ball as I walk the familiar streets.

"I would most likely hide my self from a Torose and Buffalunt that are fighting..." Taylor said with a shudder.

"I would get an Espeon to help mom and dad with the house work or something like that." Soro stated.

"Hehe. So Taylor your saying you wouldnt like it mush and Soro saying he would love it... Two different answers for two different people." I laugh a little as I look at it and shut my eyes a little.

"I have to go now Jolt." Taylor said turning down his street.

"See you tomorrow then." I call to him.

Soro takes his books from Taylor and walks with me towards his house.

"I never did ask... Where was Zek today? He would have never missed a day of school even the first day for anything..." I say to my friend as I shove the fake pokeball back into my pocket.

"I dont know... Every time I called his house in the summer his dad alway said he was out but I think it was a lie to cover something else..." Soro said as we turned down another street.

I sigh at the disappearance of our friend. I feel my face get hot as I think of Zek. He reminded me of the legendary pokemon Zecrom. Well his mom did. He got his moms black hair and red eyes.

"Is that a blush I see Jolt?" Soro said getting my attention once more.

"N-No!" I lied hopefully Soro not paying attention.

"Yes it was! Dont lie to me Jolt!" He said stopping a few feet from his house.

'Shit.... I forgot....' I scold myself.

"Tell me what about please... and dont lie to me..." He said his eyes pleading.

I sigh. Soro was so annoying sometimes when it came to his friends feelings.

"I wasnt thinking about anything. Just how it would feel to have a girlfriend." I lie a good one that Soro couldnt find away around it.

He nods slowly and walks to his house. I wave to him as he opened the door with his foot. I walked on taking a long way home. My mom will be picking Wolf up from soccer practice so I texted my dad that I was taking that long way to think a little bit and he said that it was fine with him. I jumped over a chainlink fence and into a skatepark. I grabbed my board witch i keep in the park. I flip it over and look at the HOMERA sigh I painted on the bottom of it. I smile as I flip it back over to stand on it. I pushed off and jumped onto a grinding rail. I made it half way before I fall off and my board landed on me.

"Crap..." I say under my breath.

I stand back up and brush the dust off. I sigh and push my board back into the bush I've kept it hidden in. I start out towards my house through an alley way. I heard a crashing sound behind me and I turn around to see what it was I took out my pokeball and I sigh. I start off again and another crash happened.

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