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Aspyn                         Belmont
       (🗡Forge Master🗡)

Biological Information

Species: Vampire-Lycan Hybrid
Sex: Female
Age: 21-immortal
Orientation: Heterosexual  
Complexion: Fair
Body Type: Mesomorph
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Color: Sapphire blue with silver flecks around her irises.
Hair Color: Black
Natural Style: Falls to her mid-back in loose waves, but is usually straightened.

Family Relations

Father: Adrian (Adrik) (deceased)
Mother Marie (deceased)
Younger Sister: Amelia (unknown)

( She hasn't seen her sister in years.)  


Aspyn stands to 5’2” but will constantly argue that she's nearing 5’3” if she stands straighter. Her body has, for the most part, a slender/athletic build with few curves that compliment her form. Her skin is fair due to her lycan side, the complete paleness of her vampire genes overshadowed by her wolf ones.
Aspyn's ebony hair is thick and falls to her mid-back, it's usually left down and straight although she is sometimes found with it pulled into a messy bun. To those she loves, her dark blue eyes are warm and inviting although said eyes can just as easily turn cold and emotionless to those she dislikes.

As far as clothing goes, Aspyn dresses for comfort more so than anything. A simple pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt or tank top are her go to along with some converse. She does prefer to be barefoot out of everything else though. Aspyn's talisman from her previous tribe still hangs from her neck on a black chain, although it has lost its abilities regarding said tribe.

Aspyn's wolf Malina stands 6’ in height with thick, solid white fur and deep golden eyes that glow when her powers are being used. She is built more so for agility and speed than brute strength and she uses this to her advantage in fights.  


Aspyn’s most used weapon is her golden whip that is always found wrapped around her left arm. The weapon is 15’ long but has the ability to be condensed down for easier mobility or lengthened more when the enchantments are activated, turning it into a literal light whip that burns her opponents. Recent additions to her beloved weapon have also allowed it to be able to transform into an 8ft long spear.


Aspyn is a Heliokinesis user or Solar Manipulator if you will. She can yield light from the sun as well as the radiation produced from it as needed. Attacks include various light armors, radiation type attacks, solar beams, and light projections, and a plethora of other things all pertaining to light magic.

She also has enhanced senses due to her supernatural genes.


(You all know her v.v)
Alignment: True Neutral

Background & Story Thus Far

Not much can be said about Aspyn's childhood, although her soft-spoken, Russian accent hints to where she grew up the majority of it. Spending most of her time around her father's small blacksmith shop in the village her family lived in, she found a love for weapon making at the ripe age of 12 and has evolved into quite the forger herself over the years. As years passed and she aged, at 19 Aspyn would say goodbye to her family and travel to the United States in the hopes of eventually opening up her own forge, which she did, and it flourished, as did her newly discovered heliokinesis abilities.  

However a couple of months after her twenty-first birthday (she was born in 1950) she would find out the news of her parents’ death and travel back to Russian to attend their funeral, the last place she would see her younger sister. This trip would result in her being turned into a hybrid, both lycan and vampire and thus becoming immortal. But that’s a long story for another day.

Once back home in the Evergreen state of Washington, Aspyn returned to her semi-normal life staying young as years turned into decades. She eventually would meet her now fiancé, Desmond, and join Solstice Tribe, but due to issues leave said tribe and move to Slyrika Valley where she now resides.

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