Stuck With Needles-Chapter Nine (Ankh Warrior x Author)

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I was sneaking into Vinnie's private room where he kept all his personal stuff secret from everyone.

As I was about to touch a golden sarcophagus replica, the Ankh Warrior caught me on the spot.

I let out a startled scream and took off running to find a place to hide.

"Ohhoho, you're think you can get away from me so easily"? "Well, two can play at that game".

Vinnie teleported himself to the dining room area and I was hiding underneath the tablecloth.

"I know you're in here, (name)".

The next thing I knew, a spider crawled across the floor, making me jump.

"Aha, there's the cheeky one who entered my private room without my permission"...

I gasped and tried to run away from him, but he teleported himself to me.

"Vinnie, I'm sorry"! "I'm sorry for sneaking into the Egyptian secret room"!

The Italian simply stared at me with hunger in his eyes.

I panicked and he tightened his grip on me.


(Don't worry, Vinnie isn't going to hurt me)

The Ankh Warrior pulled me up to his chest and I almost felt like I was gonna wet myself.

His behavior was not his usual self, though something wasn't right.

Vinnie Vincent carried me to his bedroom and my heartbeat was high. 

He closed the door and locked it.

"Now, are you ready for my "little" surprise"?

I covered my mouth with my hand as he rubbed my face with his hands.


"...hush my little baby, don't say a word".

I watched as he took out three needles and then I prepared for the worst to happen.

"Hold still for me, it'll be over before you know it".

He slowly began to undress me all the way down to my panties.

Vinnie then unclipped the bra strap and laid it out to the side.

I suddenly felt the need to love on him.

With that in mind, I quickly wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest.

Vinnie didn't seem to react to the love of his life.

Then, he began to feel drowsy and so, we both landed on the soft, comfortable bed and I laid my head down on his chest.

I started to cry again and held his hand close to my heart.

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