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My baby boy, Jack exclaimed.

A/n: You guys know why I chose Jack.
Taehyung: Jack? Come back!

I asked him before he nodded, throwing the bread stick box in the air.
"Jack don't do that!"

It had been two years after seeing Taehyung. He didn't know I was pregnant with his baby, neither did anyone else. People told me to give the child away as it was the child of a psychopath and I was only 17, but I couldn't. It was also my child and my responsibility. After he was born, I spent atleast a week, crying how beautiful he was, just like Taehyung. His eyes were sharp already and he had the killer smirk Taehyung had. Jack was only a one year old and he was already following in his father's footsteps, he tried to stab me with a bread stick.

"Here you go."
I smiled before sitting him down on a baby chair.

"Y/n! Jack!"
I heard Jungkook's voice.

Jack squeeled before throwing his hands in the air.

"How's my little boy?"
Jungkook swung him in the air.

"Jungkook don't do that. I have to feed MY baby. Not yours."
He rolled his eyes before placing Jack back on the baby chair.

"Yeh but your my cousin, and he's your baby, which means I'm his dad."
I gagged.

I slapped his back before he laughed.

As I got the baby food ready, Jungkook played with Jack, tickling him and making him laugh. Once I sniffed the baby food to make sure it smelled edible, I nodded before sitting in front of both boys.

"I can't tell which one is the baby."
I smirked at Jungkook before shoving the food in his mouth.

"Oh God."
He spat the food in the bin.
"How can babies eat that?!"

"It's called baby food for a reason."
I giggled before putting the spoon if food in front of Jack.
"Here comes the airplane!"

It's not a plane, it's a shpoon.
Get it?

He screamed before biting on the spoon, pulling away scooping all the food in his tiny mouth.

Aggressive pretty much. Jungkook watched Jack as he ate the food fast, giggling. I smiled once I heard a knock at the door.

"Jungkook go on. I know you want to feed him."
Jungkook jumped and smiled before grabbing the food from my hand.

I sighed before wiping my hands on the apron I wore. As I slipped it off, the knocking on the door was louder. I sighed before walking to the door, twisting the the door handle opening it. I was greeted by a little boy, seeming like he was 5.

"Oh? How may I help you?"
I crouched to his height before smiling sweetly at him.

"Hi miss. A guy over there told me to give this letter to you."
He pointed to the woods.

I tilted my head before turning my head to the letter in the boy's hand. I looked at him before smiling and taking the letter.

"Thankyou. Hey, where's your mum and dad? You shouldn't be around here by yourself."
He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll go home then."
I nodded, checking to see if he was ok.

I watched as his small figure disappeared as he walked away. I sighed before looking at the letter. My eyes widened at the front of it. There was a rose stuck to it. A dead one. I shook my head before opening the actual letter.

Dear y/n, I'm coming back home, so make sure you have everything prepared for me.

- Your True Love.

First chapter of the second book🤗 how was it?

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