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~Flashback ended~

Now he was here, alone – well, except Lucy – and he still hasn’t said his goodbye to the gravestone. He didn’t really think his life could get much worse but yet he promised himself that from this day forth, he would turn his life around. Maybe get a job. Something that would make Alice proud.

He took a sip from the tea and began walking back to the sitting room. He set the tea back on the mantelpiece and left to his room where he changed into some clothes. Actual clothes for once, not his pyjamas.

“What are you doing, Uncle William?” Lucy asked worriedly as she knocked on his bedroom door. She was shocked when he came out, fully dressed with a small smile on his face. She raised an eyebrow at his sudden change in mood.

“Well, dear Lucy, I am going to change my life around,” he said, closing the flat door behind him as he walked down the streets of London with a spring in his step.

He knew he would someday tell Lucy what had happened to Alice but for now he was happy enough being the only one who really knew what happened behind the Big Ben.


last chapter, whooo! thanks to everyone reading.

I'm putting two new books up in a few days so please feel free to check them out. :)

dedicated to malik246 again for the amazing banner on the side.

thanks and just so you all know, I'm finishing this book ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! WHoo!!

well, bye then!

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