21.Want to Pee

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up and look at my phone , it was 2am in the morning , I touched the left side of the bed and I felt nobody , I was alone in the bed , I panicked and turn on the lamp and I saw Jimin wasn't there... where could he be ?

Anyway ... he is somewhere in the house ... I really wanted to go to the Restroom so I put my slippers and went out of the room ...

The house was plunged into the dark and I don't know where is the toilet ...
The maids aren't there so I can't asked them where it is ... I was there thinking during 10 minutes like an idiot , how can I find the toilet ...

"I can ask Rosé" I said to myself
I went in front of her room and I was thinking again...

Maybe she is sleeping , I don't want to wake her up ... and I can't enter in her room like this , it's not polite ...
But it hurt me , I really need to go to the toilet ...MOLLA!!

I slowly opened her door and I saw her laying on her bed with her phone in her hand , there was only her lamp lighting her room...

I slowly opened her door and I saw her laying on her bed with her phone in her hand , there was only her lamp lighting her room

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" Jungkook !?" She whispered loudly , she was a little bit shocked

"Mianhe Chaeng, did I disturb you? "

" No , no , it's okay ... but why are you already up? " she asked me and got up of her bed , ran her fingers through her hair to straighten them...Damn she is Beautiful without makeup tho...

"I want to pee but .... " I started to say ...

"But you don't know where are the toilet " she continued , gave me a little smile and I was blushing 'cause I was so embarrassed...

"Nae !" I replied and covered my face with my hands ...

"It's okay , follow me !" She said, she past beside me , took my wrist and we went in the hallway ...

We were walking to join the toilet and I asked her ...

"Why you weren't sleeping? "

"I think , for the same reason as you but when I came back in my bed I couldn't sleep , don't know why ..." she replied without looking at me .

"Here we go !" We arrived in front of the toilet ...

" Thank you Chipmunk!" I said and Gave her a smile

" No problem , Do you remember the way , to go until your room?" She asked me

" I think so " I replied and went inside the toilet ... After emptying my bladder , I went outside the toilet and I saw her waiting for me in front of the door ...

" I thought you were gone " I said

"I was suppose to be But we don't know , I need to be sure you are not lost " she said and smirked at me

"AHAAHA funny Chaeng !" I sarcastically said ...

"Let's drink something in the kitchen " she said

We slowly walk until the kitchen to not wake the others up and she gave me something to drink... we talked about like 30 minutes and then ...

"Let's sleep , we have a lot to do today " she said

" Nae !"


I accompanied him to his room , I was going to leave when he asked me...

"Chaeng do you know where is Jimin ?" I was confused ...

"No , but isn't he supposed to sleep with you?"

"He is supposed to but when I woke up he wasn't there ..."

I had my little idea where he could be so I told Jungkook to wait for me here and I went in front of Jennie's room , I slowly opened the door and I saw him and Jennie hugging each other while sleeping... I closed the door and ran to join Jungkook ...

"So ?" He asked

" With Jennie"

" WHAT?? So you mean ... they are sleeping together "

"Yes , I saw them!"

"Damn !! I wasn't expect that !" He replied

"Me too , I thought they were not ready yet "

"Well , Good night Chipmunk" he said and Gave me his bunny smile again , his too cute ...

"Good night " I replied and hugged him tightly,  When I put my head against his torso it's so comfortable , and smelling his male scent make me feel like i'm safe around him.... What I'm thinking!! Stupid Chaeng !

I broke the hug and went into my room, I came in my bed closed my eyes and felt asleep ...



Interesting thing will come in this story so stay tuned 😏

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Don't forget to vote, comment and share the story if you want 😁

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