The fight

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the innocent chat

Creati: How's everyone feeling after this morning?

Icyhot: Questioning and annoyed at bakuhoe for pissing midoriya off Y how you feeling?

Creati: Meh yes I'm annoyed but meh.

Grapes: Ready to get some juice

Sonic: We don't allow that in this chat minetta

Grapes: Fuck you Iida

Sonic: I'm fine but worried for the both of them

Invisibitch: Same

Electric: Yeah me too

Earphone: Wow for once that boy is serious. But still I'm worried too.

Tape: Yeah

Gravity: Same

Frog: Same I just hope those two will be fine tomorrow.

Acid: I know how about we invite them to my sleepover tonight then we can get them to makeup. Ok?

Tentacles: Yeah!

Acid: Ok so kiri, kaminari and sero you invite Bakugo, me uraraka and todoroki will get Deku ok. Cool

Icyhot: How about we let tsuyu go instead of me? He will be a little shocked if i ask him because i don't really go to sleepovers.

Acid: Ok

Acid: So we have tsu, kiri, kami, sero and ocha let's meet up I'm the kitchen at 5:30 ok.

Frog: Sounds great to me Ribbit.

Hard: Yeah let's go man!!

Tape: Let's go kami!!

Electric: Yeah!!😋

Gravity: Yeah!!

Acid: Ok it's settled then in the kitchen 5:30!!

Everyone left the chat

A few hours after they spoke to each other they met up in the kitchen like Ashido said to.

Ashido: Ok! We're all here now we should go search for the boys.

Yes they all said as the two groups went different ways.

With the boys:

Kiri: We should start in the woods!

Sero: Why there?

Kiri: I've caught Bakugo letting out his emotions in there all the time. So I have a feeling he will be there!!

Kami: I don't hehe a good feeling about this.

Sero: Yeah man its pretty dark in there.

Kiri: It's fine as long as we bring torches!

Kami & Sero: Ok.

With the girls:

Ocha: I know exactly where Deku would be hiding!!

Ashido: Where?

Ocha: In his room of course he's not very good at hiding so I think we should search there first!

Tsu: Ok but wouldn't that be invading his privacy Ribbit!

The girls started heading towards izukus' room only to hear weeping.

Ocha *whispers*: I told you he'd be in there.

As the three girls open the door the soon find who was weeping in there.

The three girls: Oh my goodness it's ...

With the boys:

Kami: How long do we have to walk man

Sero: Yeah it feels like we have been walking fo hours.

Kiri: We should split up as we do have alot of ground to cover. Kami go left, sero right and I shall carry on going this way.

As the boys walked their separate ways kaminari stepped on a twig and squealed. The other two didn't take notice until one of them heard someone weeping. Kirishima looked around to find out where it was coming from.

He eventually found where it was coming from. But as he examined the young teenage boy he found that it was quite short and had a dark green fluffy hair.

Kiri: Deku!! Why are you here in the forest?

Deku: I wanted to hide from everyone so I ran into the forest but got lost. I sat down here waiting for anyone but him to come.

Kiri: Oh ok. I know we're having a sleepover tonight do you wanna come?

Deku: What do you mean we?

Kiri: Mina the girls everyone!

Deku: I'll come as long as he isn't there

Kiri: Great then let's go man

The boys walked back chatted and laughed as Deku does not hold grudges for long.

With the girls

The three girls: Oh my goodness it's Bakugo

Bakugo: What do you want fuck faces

Mina: Oh nothing just for you to come to the sleepover I'm hoping tomorrow if you want.

Bakugo: Will Deku be there?

Ocha: No

Bakugo: Good then I'll come

Tsu: Great!!

The four walked back in silence to the kitchen as they did not want to piss Bakugo off anymore than he already was.

Sleepover chat

Acid: Progress?

Hard: Yeah we captured a wild broccoli

Gravity: Don't say that about Deku

Tsu: Well we've found Bakugo

Electric: Good now we can go get the alcoholic chocolate milk

Tape: Oh yeah we can

Acid: Now now boys we need to go hunt down some alcoholic chocolate milk!!!

Everyone went idle

The six went hiking for some chocolate milk but couldn't find any anywhere. Except from home depot. They had no idea why they had some but they did and the staff said they could come back anytime they wanted to get some free alcoholic chocolate milk.

The six soon then entered their dorms and slept the night away dreaming about what will happen tomorrow.


Okay new chapter up and out of the way. The next will be up on or before bakuhoes birthday. So yeah. Well I'll see you in the next chapter byes

(word count 844)

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