Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

How Kat got home, she wasn't quite sure. Nor how she ended up in her bed. Had she dreamed everything? The burning headache remained, but now she also felt nausea and dizzy.

The clock showed 09.37. Shouldn't she be in school right now? What was it even for day? Friday? A soft knock on the door that slowly opened.

"Hello how are you?"

Kat's mother looked at her with a worried look.

"Good, though I have a headache. How did I get here? "

"You came home completely pale and confussed yesterday, talking strange. We got you in bed. You made us very worried But you fell asleep right away. Not so weird after all that happened.". A smile spread slowly in her mother's face and she stroked her cheek. It felt cool against the scorching skin.

But Kat stiffened. What had happened? What had she actually said yesterday? Jojo, think if she was raving about Jojo, no one had believed her. Not even Kat himself believed in it. What more could she have said? Her parents would think she was crazy. Which she might have become.

"Why didn't you call? We had come and picked you up. I can't understand that you ran after three robbers, all alone. Imagine if you have been hurt."

Her mother sat on the edge of the bed and lowered her eyebrows as she always did when she was worried. Then she stretched Kat a glass of water.

Kat did not know what to answer to the story of the three robbers. She hardly understood it herself. Three people against an older lady. Then it was that with light rays.

"Did I tell you all that yesterday?" Kat sounded and drank of the cool water that almost hurt.

Her mother laughed.

"No, you fell asleep right away when you got home. A police officer came here and wanted to ask questions. He comes back during the day. I called in and told you sick. First I am going to a meeting and then I come home and look for you. Okay?"

This was more attention then Kat was used to. It felt nice to be seen by her family. It still healed after Jojo, mostly because no one knew what had happened to her. But it didn't feel good to say she saw her. What would she even say? Instead, she leaned forward toward her mother to get a hug.

"It's okay, you work, I probably sleep most of the day."

Deep down, Kat wanted her mother to say no, stay home and hang out. It was a long time ago. It was long since they were a family. She missed it.

Okay, sure? I'm just gone for a few hours and then I fix something good to eat. "

Kat got a quick kiss on her forehead and her mother disappeared as fast as she got into the room. Kat sat alone, tired and looked around in the room. It was sunny outside and seemed windless. It would have been nice to get out but she couldn't. In addition, the police would come over. How he even knew where she lived. They had barely spoken yesterday. Though she had said her name to the lady who would have been able to reveal it. How many Kat were there in London? But it still seemed strange that he knew.

Still, it was a pretty good day. Kat watched movies and ate. She ate some ice cream but she ate. The nausea disappeared along with the headache slightly aftter she hade some medicine. Almost back to normal when it rang on the door. Through the peep hole she could see the policeman from yesterday. She sighed but it was just to get it over.

Some of her felt incredibly nervous. Why she didn't know, he would just ask questions about the people who attacked, how they looked. She would just have to leave all that supernatural and illogical outside. But otherwise, she would tell the truth and everything she saw, yes, besides thought reading, rays and gifts. But otherwise the truth.

When she opened the door, the police man shone in a smile. The big eyes had full focus.

"How are we today?"

"Good thanks, welcome in. I heard you were here yesterday. "

Kat moved so that the man could come in. He slowly slid forward with a straight back and he watched everything he saw very carefully.

"I wanted to make sure you got home properly. The strange thing is that after such accidents, people usually have problems sleeping. "He stuttered, the big eyes called her very carefully. "Though you hit your head and should perhaps check it out so it wasn't a concussion."

An even wider smile. Kat began to feel the nausea coming back and she wished her parents were with her. The man went with her to the kitchen where they sat down at the hearty dining table. Kat picked up a little on her sweater and waited for the man to bring out his notebook and pen.

"What about the woman?"

"It's good, her family is right now and looking for her. So, you see one of the three people? "

The voice was completely different, set to work and demanded answers. Rough.

"So, it happened so fast. It's a little weird. I know I saw but it's blurred. I know a guy. Long and thin and a girl. "Kat silenced and pulled her legs up.

"The third person then?"

Kat shrugged, the third she hardly recalls. He had hooded himself and always stood with the back to her. What a wonder. She barely had a memory of the person or who it was.

"I know they were three but I didn't see any of that person."

"Why did you follow?"

Kat looked at the man staring at her. What would she answer to that? I followed one of the attackers I think is my cousin.

"The woman looked to need help."

He nodded and asked some questions about time and if she could make an identification if she saw them again. Since the only one she knew was her cousin, she answered no. She did not intend to point out her living / dead cousin.

Only when the policeman left her with his card in her hand did it hit her that she forgot to ask what the woman was called. She needed to find out more about what happened, what she saw and that gift. Maybe she would just call and ask when it was a bit slow. He needed to spend time finding the attackers.

Come KittyKat.

Kat spun around. It came somewhere from the apartment. Was anyone there?


Come KittyKat, follow me.

"Jojo, is it you? Are you alive?

The apartment was very quiet. Fate. It spread panic over Kat. It was Jojo's voice, distorted but it was hers. Smuggling she took herself around slowly in the apartment.




It moved behind her. The hair rose in the neck and the stomach twisted. She was not alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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