• Where it all started •

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"Bye honey have fun !!" My mom shouts as I leave the house, on my way to "hell", also known at school.

I looked decent because I straightened my long dark hair, applied a couple quick coats of mascara and brushed my teeth. I threw on a pair of jeans and a plain white tee, and last but not least a pair of black converses.

As if waking up at 5:30 am wasn't bad enough , but now I had to walk another 1/4 mile to my bus stop .

Im on my way to school as I stop at the dreaded bus stop. Waiting theres for what seems like an eternity , the foggy dirt covered bus pulled up slowly. I could already hear to screaming kids.

It was the first day of school , my stop was the second to last stop , which meant there were like no seats open . Judging eye as you scan the area . I find an empty seat by luck ? Or chance i honestly don't care , at this point I just want to get to school. We make the last stop , and that's when my day gets a little better.

Because I saw him.

(This is just an intro. I'll be writing more soon! Feel free to leave suggestions down below.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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