Breaking the silence

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Dr Jane: Ally, this is pretty rare. It seems another baby has recently developed

Both: What?!

Dr Jane: I don't know how we didn't see this earlier. Your having twins.

Ally: really?!

Austin: This is great!

Dr Jane: yes it is. With.. Some strings.

Ally: what are are you talking about?

Dr Jane: You see, the twin recently developed is because the other one, somehow, died, but came back to life, with the other.

Austin: that's crazy

Dr Jane: I know it is. So now, your monthly appointments become weekly.

Ally: ok.

Dr Jane: now both of you go home. I'll see you next week.

*they drive home*

Ally: twins. What do we name them?

Austin: I dunno. If it's a boy, something like Ryker or Lebron.

Ally: umm..

Austin: I'm kidding

*he rubs ally's belly*

Austin: whatever they are, or whatever their names are, we will love them.

*they go to bed. The next day is the first day of ally's ninth month of pregnancy*

Austin: good morning babe!

Ally: mornin!

Austin: I have to run some errands, them I'll be back. I know today is the first day of the last month of your pregnancy. So if anything, and I do mean ANYTHING happens, call me.

Ally: ok

*five hours later*

Ally: Austin has been gone for a while now....

*austin walks in with his sunglasses on*

Ally: Austin what happened?

Austin: it's nothing. Really.

Ally: ok, take off your sunglasses.

Austin: no

*she pulls them off his face to reveal a black eye!*

Ally: OMG Austin! What the hell happened?!

*the doorbell rings. Ally opens the door*

Austin: stay away please

Ally: Austin what's going on?!

Person: Get out here or that black eyes gonna be black eyes!

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