Don + Zoey + Raph pt.2

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Let's get right into the story, shall we?
-Some swearing
-Some violent moments
-And some Yander.

The cell phone rang from the roof of the apartments. Zoey heard the boys giggling and laughing telling Donnie to answer it.
"Guys why me?" Donatello said with his face a bit red and rubbing the back of his head.
"Cause, You're the one who gave Zoey your phone number." Leonardo said laughing a small bit. "Yeah but uh, you know last time I answered her call I said,"Hi! Welcome to chillies!" And than hung up crying. " Donnie had a crush on Zoey after the time He was at her apartment and she played a game she called hide or die. Donnie chose 'hide' and he hid under the bed while Zoey was looking for him with a foam sword. She climbed in top the bed and looked under, Donnie was full red when he was caught feeling one of her under-clothing. (You know what I mean)
But he was just moving it away from him and Zoey got pissed thinking he was dirty.
Which ruined their friendship at the time but that was just for a week.
"Come on! Than I'll do it!" Raphael took the phone away and pressed the answer button."Oh, hello." Raph called Zoey sounding fancy but weird.
"What's up." Zoey's voice wasn't heard from the phone. It came from behind. She was standing there with her grey hoodie. Her hands were in the pockets and she looked tired.
"what's up!!" Michelangelo pointed both of his hands at Zoey. She did the same but didn't talk. She doesn't like speaking much in front of them cause she says her mouth looks weird while talking,
And She doesn't want them to stare at her for the reason that she feels embarrassed.
Donnie waved awkwardly at Zoey and she waved back. Not smiling. That's also something she's afraid of. Smiling. She hasn't smiled in a long time cause her brothers jokes are bad. She has at least three brothers. The older ones are twins and now adults. The younger one is now 11 years old. But that is just a excuse for not smiling. Donnie was feeling sad that Zoey was tired so he came in for a hug. Zoey hugged him first cause she knows what he wanted to do. He trys to hug her all the time. But she says no.
He closed his eyes and smiled. His hands were on her waist and his thumbs were rubbing her.
"Nope." Zoey pulled away from Don and she backs away.
"Aww! He really does want her! Young love is so sweet!"
Mikey laughed and than so did Leo. Raph didn't smile or laugh. He was standing there with five dots of sweat coming down his face. His face was a bit red and he was mumbling something and she looked at him.
"Hello." Zoey stood by him her face wasn't looking at any of them. She was looking at her feet only.
The other two were making fun of Donnie and pretended that Zoey and Don were making out and Donnie was yelling at them
And wacking them both with his staff. Then they chased each other around the roof yelling and playing around.
"Heh. They're pretty funny." Zoey looked at Donnie chasing the two boys.
"Well, I think they're just babys... Very immature ones."
Raph said looking down at Zoey.
Zoey looked up for a second and looked back down with her face red. She laughed a little and then she bit her lower lip.
"So.." Raph but his hand on the back of his neck. He looked away for a moment than looked back over to find Zoey walking away.
Zoey ran over to Donatello while he was still running and grabbed his arm. It's rare to the turtles when she touches them. Donnie stopped and he looked at her. Face lightly blushing. She looked away and pulled him close.
"Don't listen to them. That's how you end up like me."
Donnie looked confused.
"What's wrong? I-Is there something you want to tell me?"
Zoey shook her head no. Than she got close to him and hugged him. "Just forget the haters." she said in a calm tone than she let go and waved goodbye.
And Than Mikey and Leo stopped running a waved goodbye.
Zoey went into the Exit stair case and went back to her apartment.


The next day, Zoey didn't go on her walk with Topper. Instead, she stayed in her room. She was thinking about Donnie.
Zoey has depression and Don is close to depression.
Zoey always listened to haters when she was in 5th grade. And His Brothers are almost haters. But, Zoey had more feelings.
She loved Raphael and She's thinking about maybe asking him if they wanted to be together. But, she still needed more information about him. Does he have secrets? Is he afraid of things she could protect him from? Who knew?.. April.
But, April doesn't know EVERYTHING about Raph. So, Zoey thought maybe going to visit the guys was alright.


"Hey Mikey." Zoey waved hello to Mikey. "Heey! Nice to see ya!"
Zoey shrugged and looked for Raphael's room anywhere.
"You've been acting weird lately. What's going on?" Leo said holding his skateboard in his left hand.
"Oh. Uh, just want to know where Raph is." Leo pointed into the gameroom. "Thanks."
Zoey walked to were Leo pointed and saw Raph laying on the ground.
She didn't want to disturb him so she leaned against the wall waiting for him to notice. Raph sighed and sat up. Zoey waved and walked towards him and held out her hand.
Raph looked at Zoey and grabbed her hand than pulls her down to him. "Uhh....Hi? I was trying to help you up. Not you to pull me down--!" Raphael kissed her cheek and pulled her closer to his chest.
Zoey's face was a bright red. She hugged onto Raph not knowing why. Yet again, rare to the turtles.
Raphael muttered something. Zoey looked up at him and Raph kissed her again. This time, on the lips.
Eww! Who knows what type of diseases a shaping turtle has! Zoey thought about the type of diseases a single turtle can have. That's why touching her mutant turtle friends was rare when it came to hanging out with them.
Raph looked her in the eye and his face was extremely red. Almost looked like his mask was a part of his face since it's also red. Zoey hopped out of Raphael's arms and backed away. She knew how much she loved him but, if they loved each other and she doesn't like touching them at times, how would they be a thing?
Zoey turned around and walked away with her face red and small tears falling down her face. She made no sound.
She walked out of the lair waving goodbye to Leo and Mikey. Donnie stood at the entrance of his lab leaning on the wall. His arms were crossed over each other and his eyes were focused on Zoey leaving.
"no more of this." Zoey whispered to herself

To be Continued...

Rise of Teenage mutant ninja turtles! + OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ