He Confesses to You

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• He seems to be able to talk to you well but when it comes to the confession.. he chickens out. No, he won't run he will confess to you! At some point today! Right now!.. Okay maybe the next day..

• The next day he will confess to you!(He actually does) His confession is so simple and little worded but all the more special.

• "I.. love you."

• When you agree he simply smiles and closes his dark eyes to kiss the top of your head, gently.


• He casually escorts you to wherever you need to go for the day. He's very thoughtful as he tries to come up with ways to make this walk seem romantic. He's a perfectionist(mischievous too) after all and he wants you two to remember this moment in the future.

• He finds a quiet spot where you two are alone. He's a smooth talker and confesses. After his confession he seems to only be worried about your rejection as he didn't want to ruin the bond that you two have already but he's prepared for that too.

• "I like you.. more than a friend should. Would you like to go out with me?"

• Your acception has him overjoyed but he controls himself before pulling you close and your legs soon feel like Jell-O once he kisses you. Smooth.


• He's just more smoother than U-2048 but he's more casual! He confesses to you once it's dark and he's out patrolling. He wanted to make sure you were safe but seeing your bed head appearance made him think you were simply adorable.

• Actually, his confession is casual as he stands in the doorway of your home. Hands in his pockets as he awaits your answer. He's nervous but he wouldn't hurt you even if you said no. He'd frown and leave after bidding you goodnight.

• "(Y/n), I wanted to ask you out.."

• The quiet air isn't quiet for long as you confess yourself and give him an answer. He's overjoyed and hugs you tightly. Even if he wants to celebrate with a movie he has to get back to patrolling the streets. But before he runs off he nuzzles your nose before giving you a loving kiss goodbye for the night..


• He confesses after knowing you for months through his group of White Blood Cell friends. He just thinks your amazing and can't help but confess!

• When he confesses to you it's at random. His eyes are wide and dark, the shade over his eyes doesn't help him sound less possessive over you. None the less, this Leukocyte is just as caring as he is childish and adorable!

• "(Y/n), would you like to go out with me?"

• When you agree, he starts crying full rivers down his face after biting his bottom lip as he held back his tears of joy. Try and understand that your acceptance of him, is very important to him.. He wants to make you(his wife/husband) very happy.

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