New Arrival

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6 years later

I've been stuck in this cave for six years. During that time I had to heal these men who are holding me captive, and I also learned a few languages from them.

One day, I was fiddling with the dirt in my new prison, when something happened. Water began to break the surface, just a little bit, but still. When I saw the water, I began to think. What other powers do I have?

I raised my hand, concentrating, and a small ball of water lifted into the air. I took my other hand, and with both hands, I acted as though I was pinching a string between my finger and thumb. I then spread my arms, causing the water ball to stretch.

"So I can master the four elements," I muttered to myself, a small smile on my lips.

Since I can manipulate earth, water and fire, I figured that maybe I can also control the wind.

At that moment, I heard footsteps outside the door. I looked at the door, and saw an older man, with glasses being pushed in. He looked around, before spotting me. He spoke in a language I didn't understand, before switching to English.

"Hello," he said.

I nodded my head, acknowledging him.

"I am Ho Yinsen," he continued.

"Lily Barns," was my only reply.

I turned back to the dirt, and he must've understood that I didn't want to talk. The men game back with a bed, blanket and pillow for him. Through the entire day, Ho Yinsen was trying to strike up a conversation with me, which I only replied with short answers and comments.

It wasn't until the next week, that I opened up, and spoke to him. I never knew what this band of terrorists were called until I had asked Yinsen the second week of him being here.

"They call themselves the Ten Rings," he answered.

"I wonder why," I spoke, staring at the small fire I had made to keep us warm.

We became friends soon after that. He told me of his past, and I told him mine, with the exception of the war, and how old I really am. Three months later, as we were eating the slop we were given for dinner, Yinsen asked me a question.

"How long have you been here?"

"Six years," I replied shortly.

"So they captured you because of your powers?" He asked, shoveling another spoonful in his mouth.

"Actually," I spoke, pausing my eating. "I made a deal with them."

"What?" He asked, completely confused.

"Have you heard of a group from World War II? Hydra?"

He nodded.

"Well, to make a long story short, I fought in WWII, and after landing in the Arctic water, a few Hydra soldiers found me, and held me captive for fifty years. American soldiers found and rescued me six years ago. They were notified that a village was being attacked by these guys, and went to help."

I paused to let him absorb the information.

"They were going to kill American soldiers and innocent villagers, so I made a deal with them. I would go with them, and do what they say, if they let the others go."

I looked over at my friend. His eyes were as wide as saucers. Without asking, I answered the question that was running through his mind.

"I'm immortal."

He nodded, still fascinated and confused. With that, we continued to eat in silence. The crackling fire and our spoons raking against the plates being the only noise in the cave.

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