
548 19 4

15 years ago

"Please Magnus she's too powerful." A ginger haired woman begs.

"I won't do it Jocelyn. What you're asking of is too cruel." An eccentric looking man sternly defies.

"I need her to be protected; it's the only way to keep her safe. She is only five and already she can fight against your magic."

"This is not keeping her safe Jocelyn Fairchild. What you're talking about is suppressing her...she will be constantly at war with herself, I beg you to reconsider she's only a child."

Both adults glance over at the small five year old red head who is currently wondering around Magnus' house, inspecting every book, statue and jar as she goes. Despite being so young there is an intelligent gleam in her eye that hides just beneath her innocent curiosity. What can only be described as awe is written on the girls face as she peers up at a display case containing what looks like a painting of an Angel glancing down at the war torn earth below him, an arm stretched out to point at a crying baby being coddled by a peasant woman.

"That is my point Magnus she is not just a child she is so much more and I cannot risk her being discovered, if they find her they will find me, they will find Clary." Fear creeps in at the end of Jocelyn's words showing her worry about her youngest daughter being found.

"Simply because she is so powerful her life will be so much worse if I do this to her. Think about it Shadowhunter you would be condemning your oldest daughter to years of torment, Elisha would face unimaginable conflict inside her mind and she won't know why... all for what, protecting your other child? Is it truly worth it?"

"I would do anything to protect Clary, when Elisha is older she will understand."

Sighing in weary defeat Magnus again observes the young child he has come to see as a little sister over the period of her frequent visits to his home. It pains him to do this to someone he loves so dearly, to someone who is so sweet and innocent. But with a small nod Magnus agrees to curse the poor child with the hope that one day he will be able to set her free.

"Elisha, honey." Jocelyn calls attracting the girl's attention. "Come here please."

A happy giggle escapes the five year olds lips as she skips over to her mother and brother figure.

"Maggie-Cat!" Elisha squeals in happiness whilst tugging on Magnus' shirt so he crouches down to her.

Complying with her wishes Magnus comes down to the girls eye level a small smile of adoration playing on his lips. "Yes Glitter-Bug?"

"Can you do the thing?" She sweetly implores. "Your eyes look so pretty when you do it."

As it usually does when he sees the child a sense of jubilation swells in the Warlocks heart. Besides other Warlocks this child before him was the only person to accept him completely. Most would claim that it was simply her age that gave this impression, but anyone who knew Elisha Fray would know that it was more than that, if she complimented you it wasn't to be nice or because of her age related innocence, it was because she meant it 100%.

It was this fact though that made Magnus' next words so hard for him. "I'll do it."

"Thank you Magn-."

"Let me finish Shadowhunter. I will do it, but I want to see Elisha every week, she is like a sister to me, I don't want this to be the last time she sees me. And mark my words, once she knows of this world I will undo this curse and she will be free, whether you like it or not."

Turning his face back to the ginger, sea green eyed girl, Magnus sucks in a harsh breath and flashes his startlingly gold cat's eyes, his Warlock mark.

Locked Inside (Alec Lightwood)Where stories live. Discover now