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Most role-plays have them, and I want them, soooo, yeah.

1. Don't curse too much. It gets annoying. You can use curses every so often, but not repeatedly.

2. If you choose to make an OC don't God Mode them. They have to have flaws like everyone else. I personally don't like a Mary or Garry Sue.

3. If you talk outside of the role-play, put something around your words. Example: (Hey buddyo).

4. When a character is talking use these " ".

5. Be descriptive! Don't just type one line with only one detail. Examples,

Wrong: He ran up to her, "Hi."

Right: He jogged towards her, waving, with a big smile on his face, "Hi, Jacelyn!" he said, slightly out of breath.

6. Don't just have one sentence when you reply. The minimal sentences you can have is three.

7. Use correct grammar. This isn't a big one, but when people use wrong grammar all the time, it gets really annoying.

8. No smut. Sorry, but I don't want that in my role-plays. All the fluffiness in the world is allowed though!

9. If you decide you don't want to role-play then tell me, so i'm not waiting for a response for a week.

10. If I don't reply within a day you can @ me. (Edit: Honestly just spam me with @'S if I don't reply within a day or two. I'm so lazy and forgetful that sometimes it just leaves my mind I created this until I check my notifications and am like "ohhhh crap, this exists)

11. Last, but not least, have fun!

That's about it. If you break these rules continuously I will stop our role-play :( . Anyway, I will have prompts for the RP and OC character sheets up later. If you don't want to use any OC's then we can just role-play with the characters.

Harry Potter RPOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant