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anns💕: so how was yesterday? kenzie? hayden? carson?

hayhoe🤢: it was pretty fun tbh

carsun🌞: ya too bad me and hayden are leaving today

johni🤮: O. really? how come so early

kenz🤪: my mom cancelled her birthday dinner cause she's going to her moms for a real family emergency

johni🤮: oh wow sorry

anns💕: so when are we gonna meet u kenzie

rubz😌: yeah ^ I wanna meet u now

kenz🤪: hey annie I got a question for u... can we pm??

anns💕: yeah sure.. wait pm or the girls groupchat??

kenz🤪: the girls.. add me

carsun🌞: aDd mE tOo !!

lolo💘: lmao no

My girls💘😌💍

anns💕 added kenz🤪 to the chat

anns💕: so kenzie what's up

rubz😌: ^ u can tell me and laur too

lolo💘: yeah^ :))))

kenz🤪: why did u make that joke about johnny and me when I said I was getting changed?

anns💕: wdym??

kenz🤪: when I told hayden and Carson that I was getting changed to go meet up with them. u said "oop johnny dont get too excited , dont let your mind wander- "

kenz🤪: what did u mean by that?? is johnny a player? does he hook up with a lot of girls?

rubz😌: awwwh

anns💕: no no not at all

lolo💘: Johnny's never had a real serious relationship:)

anns💕: I just said that cause Johnny hasn't stopped talking about u and he really wants to meet u

anns💕: it was seriously just a joke, sorry If it upset u.. Ik u said u weren't like that.. but seriously it's just be teasing john about a girl

kenz🤪: oh.! no it's fine, Ik i said that but it doesnt bother me I just meant I dont have sex with many people

rubz😌: soooooo r u into johnny??

kenz🤪: honestly?

kenz🤪: idk

kenz🤪: I mean he's very attractive. hell he's hot as fuck 😍🤤 like oml fuck me up daddy🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍😍
anyways - he's very nice.. and he's sweet and he seems to care about me and the way u guys talk about him not being a player.. I mean I guess I could :)))))

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