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Nat calls me at one in the morning, crying on the other end of the line to me about another one of the strings that comes with love.

Apparently Logan took her to dinner for their anniversary, then they saw a movie, and then he took her back to her house. Nat told him that she loved him on the doorstep to her house, and Logan told her he loved her back. Only when he said it, apparently he wasn't looking her in the eyes or some crap.

Anyway, she doesn't feel like he meant it, she feels like he only said it because he felt like he was supposed to.

I blink heavily in the darkness, listening to Nat fall apart on the other end of the line, and it only reaffirms my problems with love. It's great until it's not. And then it's hell on earth.

"Honey, I think you just need some sleep," I say slowly, trying not to fall asleep.

She starts trying to calm down, "Yeah, okay.... I know. Thanks, Ral."

I nod even though she can't see me. "You're welcome, Nat. 'Night."

I fall asleep before I hang up the phone.


 Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. I volunteer at my local library all day on Saturdays, and there's nothing more fulfilling than being surrounded by millions of words for hours on end and getting to help people find the right ones they need.

I get up five minutes before my alarm goes off, feet hitting the floor only a few seconds later. I grab a shower and throw on my favorite pair of ripped jeans and a plaid t-shirt. My hair dries in waves and I throw on some makeup last minute. 

As I'm walking out the door I stop by Ellie's room, rapping on the door as I walk in. She's already up, reading a book by the light streaming in from the window.

"Hey, Elles. It's Saturday again, got any requests?"

She looks up, and points to a piece of paper on her desk. I pick it up and stick it in my purse, winking at her, "My little bookworm."

She rolls her eyes, "Whatever."

I wave my fingers at her, "Have a good day, Elles."


 I end up reshelving books in the children's section, sticking picture books where they go and ducking around little kids running all over the place. 

I reach up on my tiptoes to stick a book on the top shelf, and feel a tug on the end of my shirt. I look down as I let go of the book to see a little girl in pigtails looking up at me. 

She's wearing a yellow dress with sunflowers on it and she reminds me a lot of how Ellie looked when she was younger. I crouch down next to her and say, "Hi there, can I help you?"

She tugs on the end of her blond pigtails and nods, "Can you help me find a book about dogs and cats?"

I grin at her, "Yeah, let's see what I can find."

She grabs my hand as I start going through the books right in front of me, and starts talking non-stop about how much she loves animals.

"My name's Laurel, what's yours?" She asks, tugging on my hand.

I smile down at her, "That's a pretty name; mine's Raleigh. Kinda like trolley, just without the t."

I pull out two books on dogs and cats and hand them to her, "Do these look good?"

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