Dear Cinderella

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Dear Cinderella, If you are reading this then it means you have found your prince. I have written this letter because I am to be married in exactly one year. I have decided that dropping a letter in a random spot shall be the way I choose my wife. I will not disclose to you who I am, just a simple email address. For it is my duty to find you. So when the day comes that I do find you; I can promise you that I will make you feel like Cinderella.

Yours truly, Prince Charming

P.S. my email address is Your_Prince01

Whether you email me or not, the choice is up to you.

This is the letter that eighteen year old Elle Bishop finds under her desk in math. What does it mean, and how is she the one to find it? Will she give into the temptation and email Prince Charming or will she toss the letter and just forget?

By samanthawilliams2009

This is Daebak- cool & awesome! This is soo cheesy and definitely the book that makes you go Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I'm basically 'awing' as I read the chapters. And I'm like "Are you kidding me? That Adrian is congruence to Cam!!!" when that real Adrian appeared.

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