The less i know the better

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My name is madison, I'm 16. I was sleeping in my bed in my luxurious New Jersey home, I was feeling anxious that night, the cold and lonesome air filling my lungs with feelings of insecurity and violence. Suddenly all I can feel was fear, I started breathing heavily, my body started convulsing and I started floating up to the roof I felt like I wasn't myself. i was gone. (10 minutes later) where am I? everything hurts. My eyes started to adjust and all the blackness was starting to fade, but.....what I saw made me wish I had died when I took that plunge to the unknown, Baby Larry it was all the air was sucked out of my body, my eyes turned to the back of my head. It looked like he was wiping his ass. Truly unsettling in every sense of the word, I saw myself from someone else's point of view for a second. My blonde hair started falling out and turning black with gray streaks running through like lightening through a pitch black sky, my blue eyes turned deep brown and I started growing facial hair, my skin got darker. And my small girlish figures started growing bigger, and bigger and bigger. Why what's going on. The next thing I knew. I am now the monster. I am what strikes fear into the hearts of innocent beings. I am, the the Larry of baby's.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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