The forbidden dream

104 15 34

Love for me is nothing but a moment,
A blessing for some, a curse for rest.
Love is found in a dead family crest,
It is also what we call a bird's safe nest

It is to be avoided, it is to be nurtured,
It's the happiness that gets us tortured

Love is what causes conflict...
Rejection causes one's soul to die bit by bit;
Fragile hearts just can't take that hit...

Love is sometimes overrated,
Everyone has once dated,
Yet no one is permanently mated,
Cuz destiny is clearly not stated.

Love is just this unknown feeling;
That even gets the monsters kneeling.

It is like the fire of desire, it makes me sad and makes me scream;
Yet it is like the soothing balm, cool and sweet like ice cream;
Truly it is the forbidden dream...

The cause of the war, heart and minds have fought;
Cuz it either breaks two, or puts them in a knot.

Is it the pure light that gets our demons scared?
Or the destruction, that gets us "scar"ed?

Is it then the dawn's crack;
Or a demon, stronger than black?

Inside our heart we know the reason
Cuz hey, it's the Love's season...


A/n: Hola
So this is my entry for the contest and this is the conflict that I have when I think about love...

It riles me up, but gets me to think of all the happy moments...

But one things for sure,it is uncertain and no one will know this until they have themselves experienced it.

Tell me what did u feel reading this. Did it give u another perspective? If yes, then my purpose is fulfilled...

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