Chapter 16: Standing on a Tightrope

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“So... is he the one Will is pertaining to?” I almost slammed my hands on the table.

“Yes”, Shane replied. “Ken and Will almost look like brothers. They always hang out together and practice their own powers.”

I sat down. “It seems Ken is able to use his powers without having difficulty.”

“At first, he gets sick same as Will because of his Dark Orb TM. But since his father went to Spain for a job, Ken is almost non-stop in doing household chores. Even his mother, who has Force TM, same as mine, competes with him in cleaning stuff.”

“Wow, that’s strangely amazing. At least, his body is so active just to compensate the flaw of his TM. And he has another power...”

“Sensation TM”, Shane interrupted. “It is a variation of Sabrina’s telekinesis.”

“What kind of power is that?”

“From the word itself, sensation. You inflict varying effects of sensation to other people, like you alter the sense of touch, emotion... It’s hard to explain if Ken’s not around. What he did to the snake is ‘Fatigue’. The flaw of sensation TM is that, you get sleepy easily, and excessive use will cause you to fall asleep without warning.”

“I thought it’s powerful, but its flaw is troublesome if you use it when you’re in danger.”

“Yes. From what I know about Ken, he only uses ‘Fatigue’ and ‘Energize’. He attempted to use other types of sensation TM but falls asleep instead.”

“I see. What about ‘Energize’?”

“He can use it to himself or to other people to inject a sudden amount of energy to a human body for a certain period of time. Ken rarely use it because he needs to know the physical state of a specific person.”

“That’s complicated.”

“Yes. I heard that he has other powers but I left England five days after Alexa and Ken arrived. I have no idea then until the last year of my high school days. I became a transfer student, together with Jayce and three others which I forgot, which made me return here in England. Everything went normal in my stay at that time. Our reunion at Dr. Max’s house is just simple, but little do we know that that might be our last get-together.”

“The accident?”

Shane already consumed half of the bottled wine she recently bought. She let out a long sigh.

“So... this is what happened”, Shane said as she drank wine straight from the bottle.

“We just finished our vacation trip in somewhere on the northern part of Philippines. We used Alexa’s huge yacht.”


“Yeah, where the cousins George and Alexa lived.”


“Wow, I wish we could go there again”, Sabrina said. “What was the place called?”

“Hundred Islands”, George replied.

“The view is stunning. It’s sad that we have to go back to England soon”, Trevor said as he joined Will and Ken at the end of the yacht.

“Yeah”, I sighed as I looked the sunset which is just inches above the horizon. “Thanks to Alexa that we had this marvellous vacation in this place. I really enjoyed playing beach volleyball.”

I sat down beside the table as I watched the five guys having fun with each other. Sabrina and Alexa joined me and prepared green tea.

“I think that this country is always ravaged by typhoons every year”, Sabrina said.

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