Things had been good

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  A week had passed since the night they spent in the club house.  Things had been good. Chris's dad was off to Boston on a "business" trip. Which really meant a "whore and booze" trip.
He was supposed to be coming back tonight. Chris knew he'd probably be drunk as a skunk when he got home so he went ahead and told his younger siblings to stay put in there rooms until the next morning.
    Eyeball had already ran off to the bar with Ace and a couple of his other JD friends. As usual, Chris was the only thing between his dad, and his younger sisters.
    Mr. Chambers returned home at 2:00 that morning. Chris had stayed up waiting for him. As suspected, he smelled of piss and cheap perfume.
"Move." He grunted. Chris scrambled off the couch. The older threw himself on the couch, making the old thing creak under his wait.
    Where are your brothers and sisters?" He asked gruffly. "Eyeballs our with Ace Merril and the youngers are in their room asleep." He explained. His heart was beating fast in his chest, knowing what was about to come. "You just let him run off? You knew I was coming home tonight and you just let him run off?" He questioned. "Sorry sir." Chris whispered looking anywhere but his fathers gaze. "I'gonna teach both of you shit heads a lesson." He said rising off the couch. Chris took a small step back.
     His arms went numb with adrenaline as his father approached him quickly. He slapped Chris across the face. Chris grabbed his cheek for a moment before letting go. His father grabbed his shirt by its collar and pulled him in so there noses were almost touching.
     "When I'm come home I excpect everybody to be here. Understood?" He snarled. "Yes sir." "Good, now I'm still gonna have to teach you a lesson. Make sure I get it through that thick skull of yours." He explained as he began to undo his belt. "Your brothers getting the same thing just as soon as he gets home."

Howdy, so I didn't want to really write any full on child abuse, cause that's just not cool. So I'm gonna leave it there. Thanks:)

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