Part 8

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A/n sorry I haven't updated I'm such a lazy person 😂so back with the story warning light smut /bad words idk
My POV :
Ugh I hate Liz Allen so much ok have fun peter with Liz I have got to go
Peter: oh ok I will (I hugged y/n stay safe your welcome to stay at the stark tower  want me to drive you there before I go on my date!
Um sure thing peter I said (the hole car ride was hella awkward) so peter you know how I am your best friend and only friend besides Ned and mj ?
Yea y/n ?
Well I think Liz is just taking an advantage of you  I'm sorry peter I think it's true
Y/n that's bs why would you say that are you just jealous I really like her I had a crush on her since we were freshman's and she has a crush on Spider-Man(he was pissed at y/n )
I'm sorry peter I know that you mad at me but it's true I realized I was already at stark tower just don't talk to me peter have fun on your little date I walk in the tower and start crying tears Down my face hey what's wrong y/n hey mr.stark nothing come on just tell me was that peter in the car with you?yea we just had a little fight that's all he said that you said I can stay here ?of course! You can as long as you like hey your grandma and grandpa and even here look (they are in a good bedroom )thanks mr.stark that's very kind I went into my own room and charged my phone went on instagram to see what was new new dm from Liz Allen oh great what does she want ? Video message wtf it showed peter kissing Liz and he was just in his underwear and she was in her bra and underwear blocking you guys bye I blocked Liz not but not Peter I went to Peters instagram and saw a picture of Liz and Peter holding hands and Peters hands around her Boobs oh great I said to myself I started to cry again and loud until my makeup started to run down my face
I jumped to my feet who is it ?
It's pepper stark honey can I come in?
Um sure she opened the door and I told her everything that happened
Does he know that you like him? Sadly no we are just friends really good friends ever since we were born and he had been there for me all the time no he is not I will just unblock peter and just block Liz
Ok hun do you need a drink or anything your grandparents are going out to dinner I will take them will you like to stay here ?of course ok sure I finally will spill all of this in my journal
Dear journal how are you I'm fine I just need to spill all this shit out of my chest here it goes so fine I have to say I like peter but I like him now but more than friends I have a super huge crush on him and that's a problem he and Liz are a couple? I think dear god I hope not this makes me sad and I want to puke gross Liz just wants sex with peter witch is not love at all and I hate her but I don't hate peter for some reason + this doesn't have to do with I just got my period for the first time and I'm freaking out geez and some early things I remember me and peter did is this normal? We took baths together when we we're babies since the age of 6 we don't now lol geez I'm a grow woman now and he is a grow man well we are both almost 18 years old anyways bye love your girl y/n I finally feel asleep all that writing made me so tired
I woke up of the sound of laughter it was captain America aka Steve Rogers reading my journal I was so embarrassed hey Steve I'm awake now and give it back asshole hey sorry y/n it was just sitting there and I was bored "we are both 18 years old "
He was still laughing if your wasn't a super hero I would totally kick your ass I said to myself come on Steve ,that's totally not cool at all will it still be uncool if I give it to peter Right now or should I say Spider-Man he is just Downstairs you don't you dare I said too late he was already downstairs with Peter and he was already reading it my face was red and I felt sick to my stomach
Is this true y/n?

stark that's very kind I went into my own room and charged my phone went on instagram to see what was new new dm from Liz Allen oh great what does she want ? Video message wtf it showed peter kissing Liz and he was just in his underwear and she wa...

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Lol that was so long sorry I haven't updated writing block and I'm so lazy lol do you just hate
Steve Rogers in this what's going to happen to Peter and  y/n find out soon!!!!!!
Love you vote and comment love your girl caroline ☺️☺️☺️👋🏻👋🏻🌻🌻

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