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"He's still there?"

Roman tore his eyes away from Virgil's deceptively still form on the couch to see Logan in the hallway, coffee mug in hand and a concerned frown on his face.

"It would appear so, Specs," he said softly, unwilling to break the anxious trait's concentration lest he suffer the consequences.

Logan moved to stand next to him, frown deepening the longer he watched.

"How long-?"

"Have I been watching?" Roman finished for him, "10 minutes. He has yet to move."

Logan moved, then, taking a step towards their cautious counterpart when Roman stopped him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa- what do you think you're doing?"

"To convince him to take a break."

"I wouldn't if I were you."

"Why not?" Logan asked, perplexed, "Staying as he is now cannot possibly be comfortable for him. If he does not have a stiff neck already, he soon will."

He shook his head, "It would not be wise to allow him to continue as he is. I doubt he's even eaten since this morning!"

Roman bit his lip, hesitating. Though he was, of course, correct, Logan had clearly never had to dodge a startled Virgil swipe. After a long moment debating with himself, he sighed.

"If you must." He allowed, gesturing vaguely at the anxious Side, "But on your head be it, Logan. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Shrugging, he walked away, presumably headed to his own room.

Logan scoffed lightly and waived his concerns as he ventured further into the living room, keeping his movements quiet despite his dismissal of Roman's warning.

"Virgil," he called out softly as he approached the other Side.

Virgil didn't appear to acknowledge his presence at first, so focused on his task that it took Logan calling his name two more times before he deigned to respond in the form of a distracted hum.

Logan tilted his head. Usually calling his name was enough to elicit a satisfactory response, but he supposed that the situation would account for the vigilant Side's current level of absorption in his task.

Thomas was finally taking a break for the first time in weeks and they were each spending it in their own ways- Logan had been reading, Roman was having a Disney marathon and Patton was taking a well-deserved nap.

And Virgil?

Virgil was drawing.

With everything going on he hadn't had a chance to work on his hobby so it didn't surprise Logan in the least that he would use the downtime to do so. None knew how focused the cautious Side could be as he sketched and shaded better than Logan and, contrary to what Roman believed, he also knew all too well how easily Virgil startled.

Loath as he was to disturb him, however, Virgil still needed to take a break so perhaps a change in tactics was in order.

Slowly, so Virgil had plenty of time to see and register the movement, he leaned down and reached out, gently poking the younger trait in the shoulder.

This time, Virgil let out a huff but his attention remained away from where it was wan- er, needed.

Narrowing his eyes, Logan repeated the action, this time also calling out the other's name.


"Hmmph," came the grunt this time, Virgil absentmindedly flapping a hand in his direction.

Seeing that it had produced better results, Logan continued his gentle barrage, with Virgil reacting more and more with every light jab to his arm and shoulder.








"You should really should take a break from that, V."

"Mmhmm, sure..."

poke poke


"Quit it."

poke poke po-

Virgil growled quietly, standing from the couch and taking his sketchbook and pencils with him before moving to the armchair, both to Logan's chagrin and amusement.

"Are you kiddi-" He gave the cautious trait an incredulous look, "Virgil, you cannot be serious."

Virgil didn't spare him a glance as he casually flipped him off, his focus once more on his work.

Logan, not one to admit defeat easily, chose to ignore the childish response as he straightened up with a sigh and followed him.

"Your unrelenting focus on this is somewhat unnerving," he hummed, switching tactics once more and reaching down to gently run his fingers through Virgil's hair.

The response this time was immediate as the anxious Side leaned into the touch and finally closed his sketchbook, letting out a noise that strongly reminded Logan of a cat's content purr, despite the other's lack of any relation to such a creature. Well, as far as he knew, at least.

"The focus was necessary," he whined softly as Logan moved his hand to his shoulder, finally looking up at him. "Had to get it right."

Logan smiled, shaking his head as he sat down on the arm of the chair.

"What were you drawing?" He asked, reaching up to play with his boyfriend's hair again, his smile widening at the content sigh the other let out as he closed his eyes and relaxed against him.


That gave Logan pause. "Me?"

Virgil nodded, snuggling closer as he blindly
reached for the sketch book on the coffee table in front of him and handed it to the logical trait.

"Princey bet I couldn't sketch you from memory." He said softly, "guess I proved him wrong."

Logan noted the smug smile the other wasn't even trying to conceal before flipping the sketchbook open to the page with the pencil sticking out. His breath caught in his throat as he looked at the image before him.

It was him, obviously, as the bet had been about him, but it was a side of himself that only Virgil ever really took the time to notice. He let his eyes trail over his own intense look of concentration as he frowned down at what he assumed had been script or schedule if the red pen in his hand was any indication.

Virgil was giving him a mildly amused look when he looked back down at him, though there was self doubt in those dark orbs too.

"Do you like it?" He asked softly.

"Of course, Virgil," Logan answered, his voice just as soft, "but why that particular memory?"

He watched with some amusement of his own as Virgil's cheeks flushed red and he hid his face in Logan's chest, mumbling in reply.

"What was that, dearest? I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that."

"I said, because you're cute when you're concentrating." Virgil grit out, burrowing further into Logan's chest and poking him in the side in retaliation.

Logan laughed, easily catching his hand as he went for another poke and lifting it to his lips, lightly kissing his knuckles.

"As are you, Virgil," he said softly, moving to kiss Virgil on the forehead and tuck him into his side. "As are you."

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