Scars Of The Past Chapter-1

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Please let me know if you find any errors in the words in the text. in the comments I think you know that Google Translator is not so good

Pov -Unknown

The Forest was full and full of fog plus one prominent thing. Six figures of cats hiding in the woods watching other cats.
"I said I saw cats from the Shadow clan in our territory," whispered the little figure,
"Good Work Redpaw" is a bigger figure for his apprentice
"Now we must come back and inform the BlueStar" whispered
"No, time to attack them now when they are distracted to never invaded our territory again." exclaimed the other figure
"We can not TigerClaw has. We're coming back to the clan now" said the representative. Tiger claw made a thoughtful to the others that he was thinking of returning to the clan. Plus they were wrong with no plan Tiger Claw ran to the cats of the clan's shadow and then he jumped on top of a cat as soon as they touched the ground...

Pov -Golden Heart

I woke up in the cave in the thunderclub 'I sighed' I'm having these nightmares the moons of these terrible memories of my last mission and how I was withdrawn as a representative. I tried to convince the Blue Star that the real guilty was TigerClaw but she does not believe.

'I got up off the ground and out of the cave and I went to the slaughter pile of the clan. I ignored the looks and whispers of some member of the clan, coming from the pile I took a mouse and I went under a shadow of a tree I lay and I began to devour the mouse. Well yes some clan member still respect me and still see me as a representative more also this not matter I have to try to regain the trust of the clan and the Blue Star.

I've felt a different smell just after I recognized the scent it was from a Kittypet I looked in the direction, that the smell was coming and there was Blizzardwing and Lion Heart and a little orange cat. I looked around and saw that I was not the only one who was smelling the various cats sniffing the air and looking in the direction I was looking.

So I saw BlueStar going to Blizzardwing and Lion Heart and the orange cat "now getting a little curious". I thought BlueStar walked away from him and climbed into Big Stone and called "All cats are old enough to hunt in Big Stone" So I stood in the shade of the tree that was lying. I went by the way of the Great Stone, even though I was no longer the representative, I am still part of the clan. I reached Graypaw's side and I said, "Do you know what's going on, Graypawn?" I asked the apprentice.
"I think BlueStar would speak better than I do," he simply said. 'I sighed' well, I'm sure I have something to see Kittypet. if Kittypet was for the clan, I know the clan members who would not accept him, he would have to prove his courage to "I smile" more safely. Kittypat will be a great warrior in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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