~ Blue Flower ~

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Alura left her phone back at her... so called house. Alura knew if this was a prank she was gonna be pretty pissed. But she got all they need. What else was there?.. a dead body?... a random gun shot?... no... no... Alura thought to ahead of herself. But at least Alice was coming. Alura got to call Alice from one of the restaurants number.. of course you gotta eat before going somewhere spooky. But at least she'll be good

Alura was sitting inside the car waiting for Wyatt's fat ass to get out of the bathroom inside the... random... potty thing. Martin was ok his phone apparently texting his girlfriend. Alura peeked over and started to tickle him. Martin laughed a little and then playfully started to fight her, Alura was also laughing and then stopped and left Martin alone. "Soooo who's the bitch?" "Oh she's not a bitch! I mean... Alice is. Buuuuttttt" Martin looked at her and giggled, Alura smacked Martin with a pillow on the face a few times and didn't laugh nor giggle. "Asshole" "whaaaat?? It's true!" "No it's not! Take that back!" "Hahah! Alright! Sorry!" "The only bitch word you will ever call her is a Female Dog. So I hear that again to her or even near her I will slap you or she will slap you with a brick!" Alura said kinda giggling but thought it would be funny to hit it at least not to hard with a brick. Maybe insane thinking about it.. but that's Aluras mind. Wyatt came out and was walking kinda silly, he always does anyways. Alura just knew that Alice would probably throw a good pillow fight and probably throw a bottle at Wyatt. Knowing her twin she always knows what's coming up. Wyatt was waging his tail and cane up by the window and opened the car door and got in, closing the door. Wyatt and everybody else was putting there seat belt on. Martin as in the very back and sitting next to Alura, Wyatt was sitting in the middle and Chance was the driver sitting in the very front. Chance was only 5 minutes away from where they had to pick up Alice. Alura was looking out the window while music played for 5 minutes straight. Sounded very calm and some rap in there to. The music was great and when they finally stopped, Chance rolled down the window and Alura knew what was coming next. Alice threw a whole bag of bottles at Wyatt's face and made sure that he was hit. Alice even threw some pillows at him and hit him with the pillow so many times. Wyatt grabbed the pillow and looked at Alice while opening his door. Alice freaked the fuck out and quickly got away a little scared.. but that's what she does. Even back in 7th grade she was still a badass but a pussy at the same time. Alura laughed and also threw at least 5 pillows at Wyatt. Wyatt took it and laughed but looked back at Alura and smiled... it's like a.. merman was staring at her with those lovely eyes. Alura just froze there and stared back. Alice got in the car and hit Wyatt softly on the shoulder then Martin moved up in the middle with Wyatt and Alice in the back with Alura. "Hey! Junk boy! How's life? Haha!" Alice said as she waved her hand in the middle of Alura and Wyatt. Alura looked away and blushed just a tiny bit. Alura then leaned up with Alice and whispered in her ear "I ship you with Wyatt~" Alura said quickly as she covered herself. Alice blushes and hit Alura a little hard and laughed a little. Chance was already done packing up Alices stuff and fitting it in there. Chance when back in the front and started to drive off. Everybody was good everybody went to the bathroom and everybody got what they needed. The car doors were locked and ready to 'Party-Drive'. "Soo are we like... sleeping over or something? What's up with all the stuff?" Alura said as she scooted up to the seat and looked at the mirror where Chance was. Chance moves the mirror and looked at Alura and the road with the mirror, "Well, Wyatt didn't wanna tell you but.. we're gonna sleep over there for at least 2 days. If we can make it to 3" "Whaaaaat!? You told me to pack food and drinks! I didn't pack anything!" Alura was a little upset but looked deeply at the mirror ready to attack. "It's all good! I already packed us both that! And I can see you didn't bring your phone. So you can use mine" Alice said looking at Alura smiling. Alura smoked back and hugged her, "Alright. Thx." "Your welcome" Alice said, they both cuddled up and Alura looked out the window and Alice was kicking Wyatt's seat. "Carful back there, this is my car" "Oh don't worry buddy, your cars fine."
Alice laughed and started to play on her phone, which was almost gonna die. Alice sighed and put her phone away and laid there and listened to the music, while driving down on by Martin looked at Wyatt and started to tease him. "I never knew lesbians were TWINS!" Martin said very low and quiet like, but also in a kinda mean way. Wyatt looked at him, laughed a bit with him and stopped while hitting him in the should and grabbing him and putting him in and knuckle. Martin choked a little and Wyatt stopped as he let Martin go. Martin looked at him and smiled a little then he went back at looking at the window. Wyatt looked over at Chance and saw him dancing a little to the music. Wyatt rolled his eyes, looking back at the girls he saw them all cuddling and warmed up together. Wyatt looked away and looked outside the window, getting a bit dark. Alice softly smacked him right upside the head and went back to sleep with Alura.. Who was already passed out.
5 Hours Later
Alura woke up and found themselves still driving, Alura saw that Alice was silk sleeping, Wyatt was sound asleep, Martin was partly awake. Martin looked back at the girls and saw Alura awake, a little. Martin waved and smiled in a 'Haha' way. Alura put her middle finger out to Martin and giggled softly. Alura looked out the window, pitch black, then looking forward, were some head lights of the car. Alura yawned and saw Chance still there ready to pass out. Seemed like nobody was up and awake really, only Alura. Alura softly got out of the cuddle and climbed over the seats and went in the front seat on the other side "I can drive some here, you get some sleep" Alura said looking over at Chance. Chance couldn't say no so he nodded and stopped the car and then quickly got in the middle with Wyatt, Martin. Chance quickly fell asleep and Alura climbed into the drivers seat and started to drive again. Alura looked around the pitch blackness and hated it. Feeling spooky and scary to herself. Alura sighed and just watched the road while driving around.

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