Chapter 5:

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Unknown POV:

The fighting games.

I'm finally here.

Its been what? 20 years since that night. The night that has been haunting my dreams. That left a scar on my life.

A smile creep on my face as a laugh escaped my lips.

People that notice me scurried to the other side of the street. Properly noticing the dark aura I was giving off.

My smile only grew as I spotted a group of human females. Taking selfies as fake laughs were summoned to annoy us bystanders.

It wouldn't hurt to get rid of a few annoying teens. It would bless the world really. To think I'm actually doing something to make the world a better place. Its amusing.

But there's always one way to make my kind feel better, to torture and kill. Just for the fun of it of course.

I submerged the wicked smile and gain control of my facical funtions as I approached the annoying teens.

"Ladies." My voice came out smooth as I pushed my hoodie back just enough for them to see my face.

"What the fuck do you want!?" One of them snapped, whipping her hair as she turned to see who I was.

"Oh hi there cutie." The same girl said in a sickening sweet voice.

Humans disgust me to the point where I almost have no control over my facical expressions.

I responded with a sweet smile. The group let a couple of giggles out. I'm pretty sure I even heard a soft moan.

Fucken disgusting

"I think I'm a bit lost. Could you ladies help me?" Go with the old, I'm lost help my poor soul. It always works. Humans really don't learn do they?

"Of course! What you trying to find hun." The word alone send spiders to crawl under my skin.

"Um...I think the place is called Everlasting..."

"Oh your talking about that witch shop in the dark ally. Why would a strong man like yourself need a witches help?" One of the girls asked.


I've learned over the years the more mysterious you are, the more people want to know about you. The charmer wasn't a solid go-to plan. You always get people that never fall for it. But when it comes to girls. Mysterious is the way to go.

"Oh hun, you don't need to tell us, Willow is just nosy. Come. We know where it is."

As predicted. One should never expect more from a human.

The girl that looked like the main bitch linked her arm with my own as she lead the way to the ally.

The rest of her followers followed behind us.

Once we were close to the witch shop, I wasted no time in revealing why I really brought them here.

Grabbing the arm that was linked with me, I ripped it out of its socket. Watching the girls confuse face before she let out a scream.

The wicked smile that I once had to submerged appeared again. I slowly turned my head to the two girls who stood not so far behind me.

Their faces began to pale, realizing that this was the last place they would see before meeting their end.

They seemed to be frozen, so I took this moment to slowly creep towards them.

The girl behind me, with the ripped arm, just seemed to scream to no end. Laying on the floor, trying to reattach her arm.

What did I say? You can't expect much from this race.

A grin made its was to my face as I grabbed the one girls neck, applying a bit of pressure to it.

Her eyes went into a panic state as mine lit up with pleasure. She tried uses her hands to get rid of mine. But my grip isn't something you could just get out of.

The life in her was slowly fading. Her eyes became dull as her hands stopped moving.

The girl behind me started to somewhat come to her senses as she throw insults like daggers at my back. To bad I don't feel pain.

My hand released the now almost dead girl.

As her body hit the ground, her mouth worked hard to provided her lungs with air.

I felt a thrill enter my blood stream as she laid there, fighting for her life. To bad for her she wasn't going to have it for much longer.

My hand grabbed the back of her neck and my fingernails pierced her skin. Unlucky for me, blood started to gash out, like it to felt the same hate for humans as I do and wanted out of its body.

Suddenly I lost interest in toying with this human and shifted my attetion to the girl that was suppose to be standing next to her, but she was gone.

Half way down the dark ally, was a girl running for her dear life, tripping more than once with the haste that overtook her feet.

The sight alone was one that would thrill anyone. My eyes locked on the target as I started to jog to gain up to her.

She didn't notice until I was almost by her, setting her mind and body in a state of shock. She dropped to the floor and curled up in a little ball, mumbling words only she would understand.

A laugh escaped me, causing the girl to scream and attempt to dash off once again. But my hand caught the back of her collar, pulling her up against me.

She screamed, trying to grab a hold of something to pull away from me.

My hands had a mind of its own as it ran down her body, stopping at her knee.

Her breath hitched before I pushed it inside outside, making it look like the hind legs of a moose.

She didn't have time to scream before I've done the same to the other leg.

Her mind must of gone into shock as she stopped moving and screaming.

That's when I lost interest in her as well, what fun is there in people who don't react to what your doing? I snapped her neck and dropped her body.

These girls ain't really fun, I bet that other girl wouldn't be of any fun as well.

As I turned to look at the one armed girl, I saw her knocking on the witches place, properly going to ask for help.

Honestly? I think I could of found some better play toys than these bimbos. I slowly made my way to the shop. Fixing my hoodie so no one could see my face.

Hearing a door swing open, a women with long, curly, red hair came out of the shop. Looking down at the girl who was begging for her life from the looks of it.

The girl points at me, turning back to the lady and screams.

How rude, doesn't she know it's rude to point?

The lady at the door gives me a dirty look as I walk on closer to her shop. Shaking her head, she runs a hand though the one arm girls hair, landing the neck and seems to of broken it not long after.

Her sign could of been heard as she lets the now dead girls body fall to the floor.

Once in hearing distant, she speaks to me.

"Did you really have to bring them to this ally? Now I have to clean all this up before any of my customers see it!" She complains.

I shrugged in response.

"Really Samuel? I swear I will smack you if you ever do this again in front of my shop!"

"You made yourself clear Vilont." Geez, this women can't go one day without keeping her mouth shut.

"You bet I have. Now shoo, I don't want my customers to think I'm friends with a demon."

"Ya ya."

Today was really a bummer. Next time, I'll have to kill a guy, maybe they would be more fun.

Maybe that werewolf guy I saw the other day. He seems like a fun catch.

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