Chapter 2

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I wake up and see 20 texts from Riley, most of them are "WHAT" and "WHO" and I smile to myself.  I also notice a text from Liam and it says, "hope you slept well, don't forget about our dinner tonight!"  I smile at the text and reply to him before I call Riley. I put her on speaker so I can get ready for work/school at the zoo.

"UM.... NICOLE.... WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!" He pretty much yells at me.

"So last night, after dinner I ran into someone in the parking lot.... And it was a guy..." I start off, teasing her with the idea.

"Nic I swear if you don't tell me who I will be pissed. And it better be someone who is worth it!" She says.

"So.... I met Liam.... Payne.... In the parking lot last night.... And I gave him a ride to his hotel and back because he locked his keys in his car and now tonight we are getting dinner so he can repay the favor," I finally tell her.  The phone is quiet for a moment.

"Nic.... Dude.... Are you serious right now? Like this isn't a joke? You actually met Liam James Payne.... The solo artist from One Direction? And he is taking you out to dinner tonight to repay a favor you did for him?  Nic, I swear if you are joking around with me I will be eternally pissed at you," she says as I slip on my shoes.

"Riley, I am so serious right now. Never in a million years would I make this up," I reply, brushing my hair and putting it up.

"Like the Liam Payne that you had such a crush on and can't get enough of?" She says, I can pretty much hear the disbelief in her voice.

"Dude yes. I am being so serious right now. But dude, I gotta go,  I have to get to the zoo.  I'll talk to you later! Byeeeeeeeee," I say hanging up the phone.  I was still on the same page as she was, I can not believe that the one and only Liam Payne is taking me, Nicole, out to dinner.  It seems too good to be true.

The day drags by from my excitement and the nervousness I feel.  As the day goes on, I get more and more nervous. Not only is it Liam Payne, but what if he stands me up.  I haven't really heard from him today either....

I finally get home, shower, straighten my hair and put on some jeans, a cute top and matching shoes. And finally text Liam. "Hey! I'm out of class now, what time do you want to get dinner and where?"

I wait anxiously by the phone, trying not to get my hopes up just in case. I scroll through twitter and all of a sudden my phone rings. It's Liam.  "Hello?" I say trying not to sound too excited.

"Hey, Nicole!  It's Liam, are you ready for dinner?" He says, smile evident on his face.

"Of course! What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"What do you think about sushi?  Would that be okay with you?" He asks, I can hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Of course!  I know the perfect place," I reply. I tell him the information and we agree on meeting there in 15 minutes. I text Riley what the plan is, because I tell her every time I go out with someone new, and she does the same. So that way we know what is going on and where the other is just in case something happens.

I get in my car and drive to the sushi place and park. I look around and wait for Liam to pull in. I finally see his car, my face lights up, my heart skips a beat and I get butterflies in my stomach.  I get out of my car and walk over to his. He gets out and greets me, "hey Nicole!"  He wraps me in a big hug, wow he smells so amazing.

"Hey Liam," I say as we break apart.

"Let's go in, I'm starving!" He says, smiling. He grabs my hand and we go in. We are seated and we start talking. He asks about my childhood and I ask about his. We talk the whole time, there is never a dull moment. It felt like we were the only people in the restaurant. Before we knew it, the restaurant was starting to close. "Oh my, we've been here for 3 hours! We best be going so these people can get home," Liam says getting up. He pays up front and we walk out. "When are you free again?  I had a great time and would love to do something again!"

"I don't have classes tomorrow so we could do something then if you would like," I suggest.

"That would be perfect, I'll text you in the morning," he says as we approach my car. "Have a good night and drive safe!" He says hugging me again. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Goodnight, Liam. Be careful, and see you tomorrow!" I reply. He shuts my door and I drive back home and call Riley while I'm on the way. I give her all the details and tell her about how we are supposed to hang out again tomorrow. I finally get home and get ready for bed and scroll through twitter. And that's when I see it....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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