Beginning of the Past (part 1 of 2)

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1990, Cagayan De Oro City, Misamis Oriental

WORKING IN THE Elite Special Action Force or ESAF ever since Margaux can remember, sure, it drained all the girly dreams she had during those formative years. Her youth seems to be a barren memory of her past, she happens to be one of the recruits in the secret military unit in the Philippines.

Elite Special Action Force is a secret anti-terrorism unit based in the Philippines. It is secretly founded by General William Tasker along with an anonymous Filipino high ranking general in the country.

The young Margaux Dela Cruz comes to the headquarters of ESAF. The vast field of greenery is a breathtaking sight and the blue sky calms her lost and confused mind. Beyond the field is a huge number of trees that embraces the whole place as its formidable protection.

"From now on this is gonna be your home." The tall, brown-skinned man in camouflage uniform tells her as he walks fast towards the enormous facility by the end of the concrete path. She struggles and barely keeps up with his pacing. "We'll visit you here from time to time." He clears his throat as he gently squeezed her little hand. His voice sounds rough.

Upon entering the building, she seems confused with what the man tries to tell her. As they continue marching, she finds herself inside a room.

"Are you certain of this?" A man who is also in his camouflage suit asks the brown-skinned man beside her. The camouflage man is white. He doesn't look like a native of this country. His gray eyes are mesmerizing. He seems huge as Margaux sits on the mahogany chair inside the room, even taller than the moreno man. The place feels comfortable despite the fact that it is a training ground for military recruits.

"It will be better like this. It's beneficial for her if she could learn everything from here. We can never know what will happen in the future."

"Does Gabriela know about this?"

"William, you know how she is." That thought put a smile on his lips. "She will approve of this, I'm certain."

"You bet." They laugh at the idea.

An explosion stops the small talk they have.

"Papa, what is it?" Margaux clings to the brown-skinned man.

On his side is a trembling little girl and she clutches her arms around him. He brushes her hair gently.

"Just another test, Margaux," he reassures her.

"Most probably. I brought him here yesterday and it appears that he loves the life here." The man called William giggles.

"Don't give me that. He might blow up this whole camp if he enjoys it too much." They laugh together at the thought. They seem to be light-hearted despite the heavy burden vested upon them.

A man opens the door in a rush. He salutes despite being breathless.

"Sir, your son threw a grenade to the open field," he announces without neglecting his power stance. He nods at the brown-skinned man upon recognizing him and immediately returns his attention to William. "Nobody is hurt, sir. But I think it's dangerous to let him roam around the camp unsupervised, sir."

"That boy, I thought he is still sleeping," he says idly. "His mom might have a heart attack because of his curiosity."

Stomping feet rush into the room as the door throws in a giggly and enthusiastic little boy. He shines and the breath of fresh air he brings into the room spread like a wild fire that the two men to laugh upon his entrance.

"Dad!" he yells, disregarding everyone. "It was awesome. The round-shaped steel exploded when I pulled the clip." He tells the story as if what he did was not dangerous at all.

"Don't ever do ̶ ̶" The reminders he is about to give to his son stops. The girl who is trembling beside his father marches toward the silly boy and launches an attack.

She slaps him on his face. The boy who appears bright and shining with his new discovery now turns into a stunned little lad. One side of his cheek shots red, and the pain becomes apparent on his cute face.

"Oh, god. Dad...! Mom...!" he whimpers loud as the embarrassment of the incident fully sinks into his young mind. He runs to William and seeks for comfort.

"No doubt, that girl is surely yours and Gab's," he commends his friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kevin." He approaches the crying boy.

"Don't be, Papa. He's a naughty boy, he deserves to be punished." Her conviction can't be shaken. Her expression is devoid of any regrets about what she has done.

"Kevin is a good boy," his father says. "It's just that sometimes, he gets oblivious. Don't worry, I'll tell him to be careful next time."

"Sir, it's an M-69 practice grenade, so I think we're blessed." The saluting cadet interrupts them.

"Do you hear that Kevin? Thank God no one is hurt." William only hears cries from his son.

"Margaux, say sorry to him." He holds her gaze and asks of her. Her face softens and nods at him.

She walks towards the boy upon her father's request. She brushes his hair gently and plants a kiss on his lax, washed out, black hair. A bit taken aback, the boy jerks upon the contact and the men chuckle. Even the cadet loses his power stance at the sight of innocence and forgiveness.

"I didn't expect that coming," the brown-skinned man commends in delight.

"We have the future in front us, Juan."

The room gets filled with laughter as Margaux tries to hush Kevin, yet he whines louder and seems like he won't stop any time soon.

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