Chapter 21

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Chloe POV

"Who are you?" the crazy man with the gun asked me. I tried to turn around and run to mummy but she wasn't here. Where was she? Where was mummy?

He grabbed me by the shirt and held me up to his face so that my feet dangled uselessly in the air. His breath stank of something gross. Beer was it? Mummy always told me drinking too much of that stuff makes you stinky. Pew, yucky!

"Put me down! Put me down! Put me down!" I screamed, trying to kick his legs and make him fall over. He didn't. He just laughed at me. I don't like it when people laugh at me.

"Stop laughing! Stop it! Meanie poo face! Put me down!" I squealed at the big mean man. He didn't do anything other than laugh and swing me from side to side. Scary! The world is moving around me! He's going to drop me! No! No! 

"Stop it!" I squealed in terror, watching the ground intently so if he let go I could land on my feet. I should have got Niall to teach me how to jump, he was so awesomly absolutely cool at it!

Why is he doing this? Why is he being so mean? Why won't he put me down? No one ever did this to me before! I thought meanies were only found in Disney movies!

"Ya' know what honey, I'll make ya' a deal, ay? You tell me who you are, and I'll put ya' down? Sound fair?" he jerked me to the right and then to my other right, or is it left? I whimpered and nodded quickly.

"Good girl, now, answer my questions in complete honesty" I looked at him puzzled, honesty? 

"Out of all the bitches in the world I could end up with I get the 3 year old dummy! It means answer them truthfully!" Dummy? 3 year old? 

"I'm not a dummy and I am turning 5 in a few weeks!" I yelled at him. He needed to know what he was dealing with! I could take him! Just one more kick here and...

"Oh you're so cute, do you want a dummy for the dummy?" meanie asked  mockingly. I put my arms angrily on my hips and looked away. "You ready to answer my questions now?" I didn't reply. He pulled me closer and put a big hand around my neck. I gasped for air. Can't. Breathe! Air! Ow! 

"I said," he squeezed harder. I tried to ply his hands free of my neck but it was no use, he had big hands. Big meany! "Will you answer my questions?" I nodded and he let go.

"Good. What's ya name gorgeous?"

"Chloe" I didn't look at him.

"All right then Chloe. Why were you with One Direction?" I didn't like how he said One Direction. He said it bad. It wasn't nice. He was being mean again.

"Because they are my friends! Mummy won a competition and got to meet them!" I answered.

"Mummy? Who's mummy? What about daddy? Is he there too?" he asked me. 

"Mummy is mummy" I answered confused. Mummy was mummy, what else was there to say? The man sighed angrily.

"How old is she? What does she look like? Where does she live?"

"I don't know all that stuff! She's younger than my other friends mummys by a lot. She is tall, black hair. She lives in number 20 Derrence Street." I said, proud of myself for remembering our adress. This got his attention.

"20 Derrence Street? Younger than the other mum's? What's her name?" he was suddenly serious, not being mocking or mean anymore. I was really confused. Did he know mummy?

"Her name is Deandra" I answered, trying to think if I'd ever seen this man before.

"What about dad? Who's your dad?" he asked, shaking me a bit which was really scary.

"Dad? Who's Dad? I don't know Dad?" I replied, even more confused now. His eyes widened and he continued shaking me.

"Daddy, your father. I don't know! You know, daddy?" 

"Oh, daddy!" I replied, suddenly understanding. He looked relieved.

"Yeah, Daddy. Who is he? Was he with you?"

"No, I don't have a Daddy." I replied simply. He froze and the shaking stopped. He was staring at me. A lot. He was looking at every aspect of my face and my hands and my chest and my legs and everything. His eyes suddenly widened.

"You can't be..." he trailed off, still looking at me. My leg started to throb again from the ouchy. The paramedics had bandaged it up and the doctors had done something to it so now it wasn't a big gaping hole. They gave me these weird lollies, tablets they called them. Said they would stop the pain. They had, until now.

"Come on" he said quickly, putting me down and grabbing my arm.

"Where are we going?" I asked, walking with him. I had given up hope of fighting him, he was too big and strong. But I didn't make it easy for him either. I pulled on his arm and lagged behind to annoy him. It didn't worry him though, he just kept walking, pulling me along, staring straight ahead, to some weird half wall. There was a person above it.

"Yes sir?" She asked, bored. How could she be bored? She's on top of a wall!

"Nurse, I would prefer to talk about this, er, more privately..." the man asked. The 'nurse' looked at him quizzically and opened a hole in the wall for us to walk through. I gaped at it.

"Come behind the counter and tell me" she answered, the man nodded and pulled me through the weird half wall thing, counter she called it. Weird but cool!

"Nurse, could we maybe get a DNA test? I want to see if, er, I mean, if she's mine" he stuttered. The nurse looked at him weirdly.

"Um, sure. Is there trouble with the wife?" she asked. His head snapped up.

"oh, um, yeah, she er, I mean, um. She was having an affair and I want to be sure" he said quickly. I looked at him weirdly. What was he talking about? I'm confused! It was clear he was lieing, but why? I'm so confused!

"I'm sorry! Well here, rub this against your cheek and rub this against your daughter's cheek" the nurse handed us both pieces of paper and walked off to the back room. The man rubbed the paper against his mouth. Weird. Why did we have to do this? I still didn't know who he was!

"Do it!" he said when he realised I wasn't doing anything. He didn't have the mean ego anymore, he had a weird tone, like he was scared. I did as he said. I didn't want to be picked up again!

"Good, you done? I'll take these thanks. You go sit in the waiting rooms. I'll give you the results as soon as we get them, it shouldn't take so long. Good luck." She nodded at the mean weird crazy man who no longer had a gun. Where'd the gun go? All well, he looks better without it. Less scary.

Where's Mummy? Is she going to save me?

Of course she is! She always saves me in my bad dreams, why not now? She will be here soon I bet! With Louis and Niall and Liam and Harry, and Zayn! Zayn! I like Zayn, he's so nice and funny!

But where's Mummy?

Marked and Dangerous (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon