chapter 1

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The music from my earphones blared loudly into my ears as I made my way down the sidewalk. The first day back to school after a long while it felt like, even though it was only for summer break. A whole exciting 5 days of waking up at six in the morning again just to hear teachers drone on about something you don't care about in your ear. Add to the fact, it had been an interesting summer between a lot of my friends and myself. I had made some new friends. Older friends? Well we hadn't talked much since school had even let out.

Over that I planned on having chances this year. This was going to be my year, the year where Id be successful in pursing my own dreams and own goals. This year Id do better than I did last year. I took a deep breath as I kept walking my way onto school. The sun was out shining fairly bright and the air smelled of the fresh warm morning. I looked around lost in my own world, as the scenery I passed around me seemed to be lively. I smiled slightly and kept walking as I neared the school.


The Blue and White Marquee read in big blue letters. The wind blew softly, the smell of the saltiness from the beach nearby made me smile slightly but sad because it was all over. The days on the beach and basking in the sun and waking up late, not worrying about work you had to do.

It was all over now I thought to myself as I stood in front of the big 3 story building watching teens walk in, air-pods in, keys in hand while they all met up with their friends they probably hadn't seen since last year.

I sighed slightly as I stepped foot into the large and modernly decorated school. The bright sun of California shining through the windows of the school making it bright and cheery. I watched as I saw all the usual clique groups form once again.

"Blue!" I heard my name being called and I turned my head smiling when I saw none other than my best friend Cerridwen.

"Wen!" I grinned as I walked to her hugging her. "It feels like forever since I saw you" I joked.

She laughed, "I know right, 24 hours was too long!" We both laughed as we walked with each other through the bustling, growing crowd of students. Signs were plastered everywhere about the back to school dance being hosted tonight.

"Im so tired of hearing about that stupid Prep Party." Wen rolled her eyes and tore one of the signs down crumpling it into a ball and flung it to the nearest trash can. Wen was a brunette, but had recently bleached her hair blonde over the summer. She had a roundish oval face with slightly chubby cheeks, a roman set nose and deep-set almond shaped greenish teal blue eyes that looked as if they were stolen from a painting, and her hair now blonde, tangled in its own waves down her back. With her red flannel and worn blue skinny jeans on, her face bare of any make up, She hated anything that dealt with the jocks or preps and this party so happened to be hosted by Mackenzie Shaeler.

Mackenzie used to be one of our friends from our big group we had, but after last years drama and incidents the whole friend group split up into multi-groups, only a few from each still remaining friends, Mackenzie however decided that it was the best for her if she hung out with people who were more Socially rounded. In other words, she was tired of hanging out with the losers.

Wen fixed her flannel she was wearing and looked at me.

"what? I do." she defended.

"Yes I know Wen, almost all of us hate her," I replied knowing what she really was feeling, "but maybe we should go-"

"No, you are not dragging me out to her house, because you and I both know damn well she'll start some sh-"

"Jesus Christ its Jason Borne!" A voice interrupted right behind Wen as she jumped and turned ready to punch the person.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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