Chapter 25: Demonic Beauty: Hongyue

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Up on top of the roof of the general's headquarters, a figure in red smiled coldly.

She possessed a blue left eye as well as a purple right eye with thick dark lashes. Black locks with red tips intensified her pale defined cheeks and ample lips. She was clothed in a light red garment which rippled seductively in the night. A red lineage gemstone embellished the core of her forehead. Her blood red lips held curved in a wicked sneer as her eyes narrowed into menacing slits.

Hongyue had been exceedingly astonished that her half sirenic form could still emerge when the full moon beckoned out to her bloodline. She had miscalculated the effect of the poison her second sister gave her and dropped reasonably unconscious. She really wanted to curse her head off, the lack of control over this body really irritated her, but she had anticipated that her dog shit of a father would still try his best to save her for his appearance. She had awakened to her father's little spy hunting around her room and discovered that her body brimmed with boundless vitality.

Once the spy left, she got up to unfasten the window for fresh air. Once the moonlight coincided with her skin, the center of her temples glowed and formed her ruby-like descent gemstone precisely like the one in her previous appearance. While the jewel formed, her eyes dilated and altered colors. From the gem, a red mist diffused throughout her body and enveloped her figure. Out from the fog, a flowy silk red garment materialized and replaced her slightly tattered ones. She beamed and affectionately tapped her gem before heading over to the mirror. It was said that the more life force you consumed, the redder the gem. Her eyes gravitated to the jewel. As expected of a creature rejected by the God of Death, Hongyue thought. Her gemstone was so red it was almost pitch black. She laughed thrilled.

Upon such a quiet night like this, Hongyue knew her father would fix up various schemes to check on her. After all, she stood out too much today not to mention even she would find it odd that a person who had been fed so many high-grade poisons would keep alive for so long. Hongyue had purposefully cleaned off her tracks just enough so that the general would be suspicious.

She clicked her fingernails on the sill of the window. She certainly wanted to kill him, but that wouldn't do. What would be better than having your opponent who believes he's on top of the world only to be dragged down and cheated? His face contorted in fear and his mind crumbling apart. Hongyue craved to see that very much. It would be so much more enjoyable than just seeing a dead corpse. She giggled demonically.

She felt too bored alone in her room so she decided she would follow the faithful little dog her father sent to investigate on her.

How ironic.

The little incompetent puppet he spoke of was currently sitting on the top of his roof and had already killed some of his best guards on her way here. She chuckled softly and lifted her pale arm to admire her bloodied fingers. She had met a few pests blocking the road tonight. She was going to spare them, but it was too bad she had a desire to kill. It honestly couldn't be blamed on her. After all, bloodlust was a natural effect from the full moon. She lowered her hand to her face to lick the bittersweet blood. Her purple eye dilated while her birth gem glowed.

Ah, how she missed this feeling.

It was too bad she couldn't enjoy this feeling in peace. She brooded in thought.

Eternal Death?

It appears like she really couldn't let her guard down. There were too many things in this life she didn't know nor did she understand. While being strong was essential, one cannot solely focus on strength. Lacking knowledge would only bring her downfall even if she had everything planned out. Being ignorant was another lack of control, she recalled, and a lack of control would just mean death. Hongyue grimaced. Looks like it's time to do a little preparation.

She descended down from the roof, rotating elegantly in the air. Her robes fluttered outwardly casing an eye-catching shadow. Her hair swirled around her face, hiding her purple eye. Her foot landed softly upon the grass before she traced a pure rune lightly in the air with her finger. The air where she touched shone a silver-gray before it dissipated and circled her body. Hongyue propelled off with her foot and launched herself into the air. The little gray particles buried into her body and she became weightless. With another spin, Hongyue soared gracefully in the air.

Perhaps, she had craved the feeling of her sirenic abilities and got too immersed, she missed a pair of eyes that observed her from a distance.


Reaching where the physician lived, Hongyue smirked before throwing open her arms. Her shelves spread out as the silver particles flew out from her body and exhausted in the air. She fluttered down safety, gently landing on the soft grass. Gliding through the window, she spotted the doctor sleeping peacefully. Reaching out, she pressed her hand on his head, her fingers forming a claw shape. From her palm, heat slowly started to build up. Her gemstone radiated and a red haze flowed out her palm. It descended down inside the head of the physician. The fuse of power traveled into his nerves, cutting off his senses and rendered his conscious numb. Dazed under her enchantment, he slowly sat up.

Hongyue rested her fingers on his scalp, deliberating if she would need to kill him after tonight.

"What is <Eternal Death>?" She questioned.

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