Quick Note for Readers

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If you're reading this in the future, when I've somehow gotten lots of chapters up on this and finished it, then you can ignore this.

Otherwise, for my fans that are reading this as it comes out, I'm truly sorry that I can't post more often.

You see, in order for me to write an Upon Flights of Fantasy chapter, I need to use italics (mindlinking) but most often I only have access to my phone. When I'm on my phone, I can't just say, "Oh, I need italics now, COMMAND I!" (that was an "i," by the way) I have to copy and paste italic font, then get to the next normal font part and have to copy and paste normal font, and then copying and pasting just gets annoying.

The only time that typing mindlinks isn't annoying is when I'm at a computer, which I don't have access to every day, plus I have other things to do.

Again, very sorry that this book will come out slow, but I'm afraid this is the best I can do. Maybe when it's summer I'll have a better schedule.


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