Chapter 18

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Zeno:Yes after seeing you fight against universe 6 it gave me the idea that all of you should fight again but working together!

Y/n:Thats a great idea!

Zeno:And whoever loses gets erased!

Y/n:Not such a great idea!

Zeno:Whoever wins can get whatever wish they want!

Y/n:Yay another good idea!

Zeno:You guys can wait here while guards get everyone else from the other universes...

They wait for a while and see other universes showing up

Y/n sees zamasu and goku black and runs over to them

Y/n:I knew I'd see you guys again!

Zamasu:Yes,but sadly not on the happiest terms...

Y/n:Well zeno said that whoever wins gets any wish they want...

Goku Black:Really?

Y/n nods

Y/n:So if I win don't worry I'm going to wish you guys all back...

Zamasu:Well expect the same from us too then...

Y/n:Thanks,anyway how has being kai been treating you...

Zamasu:Good,its quite the challenge but gowasu helps me every so often...

Y/n:What about you GB...

Goku Black:Well I've been training and I've gotten stronger,I've also been helping and getting to know the people in the universe too

Y/n:Are they gonna let you fight GB?

They nod

Zamasu:I can't because I'm a kai but goku black is allowed...

Y/n:Nice! I can't wait to fight alongside you again GB! Well its great seeing you guys again and best of luck to you!

Goku Black:To you as well...

Y/n walks off too see beerus and whis

Beerus:Zeno explained everything but I still can't believe it...

Y/n:Its alright we are gonna be fine,I'll make sure we win

Beerus:Yea your right I shouldn't be worried....

Y/n:Plus we have everyone else here too, we can't lose!

Champa walks up

Champa:Y/n it is good to see you...



Beerus:We should put our differences aside for now and work toghther...

Champa:Yea obviously! I'm not trying to get erased you moron!

Beerus:What did you just say to me!

Y/n:Alright let's calm down you two...

18,17,and c/n appear

18:I heard about the tournament...

Y/n:Yea we'll be fine...

C/n:I finally get to fight!

Y/n:When you fight you better have one of our freinds from universe 7 or 6 with you at all times...

C/n:No lone wolf?

Y/n:No,that lone wolf stuff stays behind...

They all hug each other except for 17 who just smiles

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