Million words

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Y/N's P.O.V

"It's too late" Said Sabrina's best friend.

"No it's not I can stop this I can stop her. I know she loves me and I still love her."

"Y/n it's been six years. She moved on. Her heart has healed now and she's in love with him" Joey said trying to reason with me.

"But I love her I can't just let her go like that. I can't lose her" I said wiping away the tears I spilled.

"You have to. You lost her already." She said only making me feel worse about myself.

"I don't believe that. I believe I can still get her back. I know there's a part of her that is still hopelessly in love with me. A part of her wants me to stop her." I said full of hope.

"Y/n I'm going to say this again because you need to understand it. Sabrina moved on. Yes there's a part of her that loves you but she knows you two can never be again." Joey said with sympathy.

"I don't want to give up. I know it's my fault but I changed. I did what I couldn't do. I fixed myself." I said desperately.

"Y/n don't" Joey said again.

"I'm sorry but I have to" I said and reached for my keys locking Joey in my room.

I have to stop her before it's too late.

Sabrina's P.O.V

Today is my wedding. I am getting married to the man I love. I love him and he loves me but he doesn't make me happy in fact I feel empty and I can't believe Joey didn't notice. He doesn't make feel what Y/N made me feel she made feel whole. I felt like I belonged somewhere with her. Now it's like I'm alone even if I have him. I want to stop this stupid wedding but I can't I can't break someone's heart like that he doesn't deserve it. If I'm being honest I never thought our relationship would have lasted this long.

"You look beautiful" said my mom as she adjusted my dress.

"Thanks mom" I said with the fakest smile plastered on my face which she obviously didn't notice because she just left after. I had a few seconds to myself before I heard the door open again. I sighed and put my act back up without turning to see who it was and said

"Mom the dress is perfect already" but there was no response instead I felt someone turn me around and a pair of lips on mine. I immediately pulled away ready to scold my future husband for entering and looking at the bride to be before the wedding. To my surprise it wasn't Liam it was y/n. Y/n what is she doing here? How'd she know where to find me?

"Y/n-n?" I questioned with a look of confusion written on my face.

"Shh don't say anything" she said and reached for me. Her arms held me by my waist and pulled me in for another kiss. Her lips felt so right against mine. Unlike the first kiss this one lasted a little longer.

"Y/n why are you here? I'm supposed to be getting married in just a few minutes." I said panicking at the situation.

"Because Sabrina I'm here to stop you. You can't get married I know you don't love him. I know he doesn't make you happy." She said letting go of me but maintaining  the eye contact.

"How do you know that?" I questioned her.

"Because you haven't thrown me out and you let me kiss you. If you wanted to be with him I wouldn't be here you would've thrown me out already but I'm right here fighting for us." The younger girl said knowing she was right.

"Y/n I-we can't. He doesn't deserve this. He deserves to be happy." I said trying to sound reasonable but she denied it.

"If he loved you at all he'd know about me. He would know that you feel miserable beside him." She said looking at me with those y/e/c eyes of hers.

"I can be happy with him" I said desperately.

"You've been together for three years. If you couldn't be happen then what makes you think you'll be happy now or ever?" She's right I can't be happy beside him.

"Listen I know I fucked up and lost you because of my lack of trust in us but I believe in us now. I should've told you this whenever we talked about our future. I wanted to be the one to propose to you. I wanted to take yours and my family on a vacation trip to Germany and propose to you during a family dinner. I wanted to give you a whole speech on why I love you. Why I think no why I know you're the best person I could ever be with. Our kids would have the perfect life. I'd give you everything you wanted. I would never hurt you again. I just want to be the one who wakes up beside you every morning for the rest of my life. I want to be the one who is met every morning with your beautiful blue eyes and your warm body against mine. I want to lay in bed with you and admire your beauty because baby you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I could never love someone the way that I love you. I want to kiss you every day of my life. When we fight I'd kiss you to make you shut up. If you wanted something I would give it to you. I'd make you breakfast in best and take our kids to school. We could watch movies with our kids or we could go just you and me. We could take trips during the summer and we'd have our own pets. We could be perfect together. I love every aspect of you. The way your eyes reflect the sun light and how you bite your lip when you're thinking about something just makes me want you even more. Your hair is so soft and it always smells so good. Your hand fits perfectly in mine. Your smile is so beautiful and it just makes you look perfect. When we're together it's like nothing else matters. When you're with me all I feel is happiness. I know you feel it too. I know you still love me so please don't get married to him. He doesn't know you. If he did he'd know you don't love him and you're miserable with him. So baby please come with me." The y/h/c haired girl poured her heart out to me.

"Y/n I do love you but it's too late for this." I said wiping away my tears before my make up was ruined.

"It's never too late for the right choice" She said wiping my tears away too.

"But he's going to be hurt." I said feeling guilty.

"Babe you can't marry someone because you feel obligated to. You have to marry someone because you love them and want a family with them." She's completely right I can't marry him. I don't want him.

"Okay y/n I won't marry him. But this doesn't mean we can be together. You're going to have to prove yourself to me. Because I'm no just going to let you back in that easily after you hurt me." I said meaning every word of it.

"I understand Brina" she said shoving her hands n her pockets.

"Good, now I'm going to call this off." I said and walked out. I made my way to my mom and explained everything. She said she understood and was glad I chose to follow my heart. She said she would tell everyone else and that I should leave with y/n. I smiled and thanked her for understanding then came back to y/n.

"It's done." I said smiling. Her reaction was priceless. She smiled and ran too me she picked me up and spun me around then placed me back on my feet and kissed me with such passion I thought my heart would explode.

"I love you." She said smiling

"I love you too now let's get out of here" I said reaching for her hand and intertwined our fingers together.

A/N: Can you believe I wrote this in a matter of 12 hours and published it on the same day💀💀 it usually takes me days to write something and sometimes even weeks or months like wow although it usually takes me for ever to choose what one shot ima publish cause like rn I have like 18 more drafts but some of them aren't finished while others I've had since I started writing this damn book which was 2017 lmao💀💀😂 I hope u liked this one shot I had the idea for it when I was playing uno and listening to Million Words by The Vamps lol. Might update again this week... I got nothing better to do and I enjoy writing

Words: 1540

- Jenny out✌️

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