Chapter 10: Goodbye

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Perspective: Lucas

I have been dreading this moment, ever since I knew it was coming... The whole party is standing at Max's door ready to see her off. Her family decided to drive as it would only take a couple of hours, so we helped them pack up the car. I haven't met her step-dad or mum before and they don't look very nice. 

Her mother is wearing jeans way too small for her, and a boob tube as if she were sixteen again. A smile was plastered across her face but I could see right through it. On the other hand, her step-dad didn't bother putting on an act and was a complete asshole the whole time. 

"That's the wrong fu-friggin box," he corrected himself realising he shouldn't use such profanity in front of us. He snatched the box off of Dustin who stepped away not wishing for a scene. After the car was packed Billie jumped in his own car and began to drive off, signalling for his parents to hurry up. It was time for them to go...

Max runs up to us, her face all red and splotchy like it has been for the past few weeks. She hugs us all, in turn, telling us how much she loves us and is going to miss us, but when she comes to hug me she whispers something in my ear. 

"I love you, Lucas Sinclair and I am going to miss you so much," she pecked me on the lips and everyone ooh-ed. 

We all gave Max our landline numbers so that she could call us when she gets her new one. Then we all go in and have a big group hug, tears rolling down each and every one of our faces. 

"Maxine! Hurry the hell up!" her stepfather yells as he starts the engine. 

"Bye!" we all scream and yell as she gets in the car. 

We all wave her off screaming and yelling how much we will miss her. The car drives off into the distance and we all get on our bikes to leave what is no longer Max's house. 

"As much as I hated her, I'm gonna really miss her," Mike smiles. 

"I think we all will," I say as we all begin to pedal to our own houses. 

Our zoomer is gone, and I don't know what is gonna happen to our party now...

Perspective: Max

I look out the window and see them all standing there watching as we drive into the distance. Tears stream down my face, but I was more angry than sad. Angry that my parents had made me leave. Angry that my mum married that man. Angry that I am part of this family... I loved Lucas, and I know I probably won't ever see him again. We will talk on the phone for a few weeks or maybe even a month, but we will lose contact and he will get some other girl to replace me. It won't be hard to replace me... I watch as my group of friends get smaller and smaller until I can't see them at all. We pass the Hawkins sign, and I know that my life is about to change.


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