Jercy - Coffee Shop

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Brittney POV:

I entered the new cafe in my town, on an outing with my friends. I walked up to the counter. There was a teenage boy with blonde hair and a small scar on his upper lip.

"Hi, what can I get for you?"

"Oh! I'll have a small cappuccino," I told him.

"Alright anything else?"

"Yes, these two will have the same." I pointed at Carlie and Denise.

"One last thing, can I get your phone number?" I leaned over the counter, my face three inches away from his.

"Oh, sorry. I'm dating someone. Can I get a name for the order?"

I leaned back, sighing in disappointment.

He put in the order, then took his apron off and hung it up, walking out into the main seating area. He pulled out his phone, and put it up to his ear, the beginnings of a smile showing up on his face. 

He put his phone back in his pocket, and leaned up against the wall. 

"Brittney?" A voice called out. Our order. I stood up and walked up to the counter, grabbing the three drinks.

The two girls followed me out of the cafe, drinks in hand.

I saw the blonde cashier talking with a brown haired boy. The brunette leaned towards the blonde, pecking the other boy on the lips. Their hands were twined together, and I watched in shock as the two boys walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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