All The Summers I Spent With You

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A NINE-YEAR-OLD GIRL was lost in the forest while they were having a school camp. She lost the way back to the camp when she followed a gold-winged butterfly. When the butterfly disappeared in her sight, that's when she noticed the unfamiliar surroundings and that she's all alone.

She called for help but no one has heard her. So she cried and cried. Afraid that no one will find her. Afraid of being lost forever. Afraid of wild animals that might eat her.

But an eleven-year-old boy saw her. He was going somewhere when he saw the girl crying.

"Why are you crying?" Asked the boy.

For a second, the girl stopped her tears and looked upon the boy. She doesn't know him, but she jumped right into the boy. Hugging him so tight.

"I'm lost! I'm lost! I can't find the way back to our camp!" Says the girl and cried again.

"Don't be afraid. I'll help you get back."

The girl unlocked her arms from the boy. She looked at him. "Promise?"

"I promise." The boy said. "But stop crying first. You're ugly when you cry." He teased her. "Come on, I'll show you something beautiful."

The boy brought the girl into a place she'd never knew existed. Gold-winged butterflies are flying around. Red and white flower blossoms. Greener grass on the ground. A beautiful garden. Like one in the fairy tales.

"I just go here every time I feel hopeless. Every time my mom and dad fight. Every time I feel lonely. So beautiful, isn't it?"

"So much." Said the girl who now stopped from crying.

"I'm Hiro." Said the boy.

The girl gently smiled. "My name is Hana."

That was the start of their friendship. Every first day of the month of summer, they start meeting each other at the place. The place which later became their secret place. Because nobody knows how to get there except them.

Every summer, the two of them packed foods for a picnic. They spent a little time talking about what happened to the days and months they did not see each other.

When Hana turned seventeen, a line of boys dreamt to become her boyfriend. But she doesn't have feelings for them. Even though a lot of handsome boys are wanting her, there's none of them she has ever liked.

'Til summer came again . . .

"I loved her so much but then, it seems that I wasn't enough. I don't know what's wrong with me. I gave everything. I loved so much. But in the end, still, no one stays." Hiro said. His face looks so sad and his heart was breaking.

"Maybe she was never meant for you." Said, Hana. It pains her to see Hiro like that. Looking so down. Like he was going to fall apart. "And don't ever say that no one will stay for you. Because I will. We're best friends, right?"

Hiro started to smile again. Like a shining rainbow after the storm. He put his right arm over Hana's shoulder and pulled her close to him.

"Thanks for staying." He said silently and kissed the crown of her head. "So tell me."

"Tell you what?"

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