plot+before u read

353 11 10

early june
eddie walked down the street with his velcro shoes dragging on the pavement. he was going to the pharmacy with his mom to pick up hid medication and to see if he had asthma. eddie didn't think he had asthma but as his momo would say it's better safe then sorry he decided it would be a good idea to listen to her, he was 5 so he had to, didn't he.
as they entered the pharmacy the bell chimed above them, sonia kaspbrak let go of eddies hand which he was relieved by seeing her hands had a sweaty, tight grip. he still followed close behind being scared of strangers even though he had been living in derry his whole life.
his mom bought the refills for eddies medicine and turned to the pharmacist (i'm really not sure if that's the right word sorry)
"eddie has asthma" she said to him with a blank look on her face. "okay ma'am, how can you tell?" he asked, looking down at eddie who was covering his face in embarrassment. "he just does! now would you give him an aspirator already?" sonia snapped, she was very hot headed and temperamental. "y-yes ma'am" the man said nervously and went and got an aspirator. he walked back up the the bench where sonia kaspbrak waited for him impatiently. "that'll be 4.99" he said as she got out her purse to pay.

they walked out of the pharmacy and began to walk to their car with eddie reading the package of his aspirator and his mom holding various medications and bandages.
eddie looked down at his blue shoes, he hated the colour blue, he always thought it was a depressing colour but sonia made him get them because blue is a boy colour.
suddenly someone bumped into eddie, the boy fell on top of eddie grazing his knee and hands. the unfamiliar boy winced and got off of eddie quickly still sitting in the floor and eddie on his back.
"i'm so sorry!" the stranger said and got up, offering a hand to eddie, eddie declined his hand and got up himself and dusted off his short shorts, thankfully he want injured.
"oh my gosh eddie what happened!" sonia said and rushed toward eddie.
"nothing momma just feel that's all" he said, sonia's attention was now on the boy who had fallen on top of eddie "you did this! you pushed my eddie on to the dirty ground! do you know how many germs are on the ground? do you?! he could be sick now thanks to you!" sonia screamed and grabbed eddies wrist.
"wait!" eddie's squeaky voice said. "momma he's bleeding! at least let me patch him up" he pleaded "no! he's done enough damage" she snapped back at eddie. "but momma please! i don't want him to get sick" he said, starting to cry a bit. "oh no it's okay, i'm sorry, i he on my way now" the slightly taller boy said.
"no. let him fix you up." sonia said with an annoyed look plastered on her face.
"yay! thank you momma" eddie exclaimed and got out a few bandages out of the bag of supplies.
eddie hadn't looked at the unfamiliar face until now, he had lively, untamed, black curls; thick glasses that framed his face that was speckled with freckles; the boy was a few inches taller than eddie but still short, he had a few bruises on his pale legs that seemed to already be there. eddie found the boy cute.
"so what's your name?" the boy with the glasses said.
"eddie, and yours?"
"richie." he replied
"cool" eddie said with a blush on his cheeks; he always got nervous talking to strangers but richie was different, eddie shouldn't quite figure out why.
"i haven't seen you before" eddie said nervously
"yeah because i'm visiting my mom, i see her once every year because i live all the way in texas with my dad" richie explained.
"oh, cool" eddie said as he put the last bandaid on the scrapes part of richies hand, they were about to hold hands until eddie stood up. "well i have to get going now" eddie said as richie stood up too. "well okay, thank you, see ya around eds!" richie said and turned around and ran off.
eddie was never to see richie again; until the summer of '83



lowercase intended

will include: drug use, swearing, sexual references, abuse, mentions of selfharm

i will not write smut bc i'm like 3 KSKDKSK

playlist (i'll keep updating it and make a link to it on youtube and spotify)
you say i'm in love
banes world
cool with you
i love you so
the walters
stay away from my baby
banes world
opera house
cigarettes after sex
cigarettes after sex
worlds apart
mellow fellow

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