First are the Greeks!

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Athena, Goddess of Wisdom-She would be Ravenclaw, we all know that!

Ares, God of War-I would say Slytherin because well...Idk...he's a jerk and he seems to be a Slytherin.

Zeus, King of the Gods- I'd say Slytherin because he can do stuff all by himself...for drama

Hera, Queen of the Gods-Slytherin or Ravenclaw because she did switch Jason and Percy and thought of other stuff on her own. 

Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt-I say Gryffindor because she's a badass, brave, and has a lot of courage.

Apollo, God of the Sun-Maybe Hufflepuff because he is outgoing and can be kind I guess. I do know that even if he won't admit it, he cares a lot about his twin sister and is loyal to her.

Hephaestus, God of the Forge- He would be a Ravenclaw because he is smart esspically with machines. And he is quite creative.

Hades, God of the Underworld-he would be Slytherin because he is hard working, sly and cunning

Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest-Demeter would be Slytherin because she is resourceful and clever, I mean the way she searched for her daughter has to have proven a point!

Dinysus, God of Wine-I'd say Slytherin because he is a sly god I guess. Commet what you think his house is!

Perstephone, Goddess of Spring-She would be Ravenclaw because she has thought of clever ways to make the Underworld prettier and because of the 'Sword of Hades' book(Read it) she is proven to be smart.

Hecate, Goddess of Magic-Hecate would be Ravenclaw because as the Goddess of Magic, she would need to be smart when mixing herbs and such.

Aphrodite, Goddess of Love-She would be Slytherin because she is manipulative, sly, and cunning at times.

Well my little gems, that's all I could think of for today! I will prabably update, but next chapter is...Egyptian Gods/Goddesses!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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