A concussion

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The long locks of blue as her eyes where shut and her left hand covered her eye lids as the grey sky cried along with her small tears that blended with the drops of water falling to the ground. She the rain women could still hear the yells echoing for her to come back but all she did was continue on running in fear of what she just heard.

"i am sorry to say this ms. Locks er it seems like when you hit your head your injury was so suffer that it was able to inflict you on a concussion..... where your personality changes and some other effect would be short-term, lasting only a few hours or a couple of days, or cause long-term problems."the doctor spoke as she looked pitiful a look juvia knew to well.

But then after hours of running she came to a sop forgetting all that was said and why she was running to now where. Sh only shook her head and began to walk back. Thinking on why she was running in the first place.

Once she got back to the guild she saw worried faces as they all ran to her and the red headed worrier was the first to speech where did you go and why did you run off like that juvia?!" she yelled out as she was worried sick for her dear friend.

"i-i don't know where i ran or... why?Sh e said with a confused face as she looked at Erza puzzled. Weren't we at the mission a couple of minutes ago?" juvia asked looking at the now shocked Erza but then the red headed worrier remember what the doctor told them.

"um...juvia you should go get something to eat i bet your hungry" Eriza stated with a small smile."ummm okay" juvia then left off to ask Mira for something to eat meanwhile the others where going to tale about juvia condition.

".....guys what are we going to do there is a chance that juvia can't be fixed but soon it will get worse" Lucy stated as she broke the silence."...i don't know but no matter what we have to help juvia this is going to be hard on her the most so we help out no matter what" Erza said as everyone else agreed.

But one was talking with juvia as they where smiling and laughing "i hope juvia will get better" nastu thought as he smiled with juvia who was telling him how the food was a little burnt trying not to be heard from the she devil.

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this will be based on Navia, Gruvia, And rouvia 

An please tell me what you think so far 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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