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Tom found himself on the outskirts of Insanity, a quaint little town in a forest. It almost looked abandoned... or dead. It didn't seem real, just like the rest of this stupid place. From post apocalypse to pre civilization. Either way Tom had no time to dawdle. If it was abandoned he needed to ransack what he could find. Survival is the only rule of life, and if no one wants it, he can have it. Tom ran towards what looked like a bar, a saloon, a tavern, a god knows what it was because only god knows what time period he ended up in. He continued in and it was almost empty. Only a few people were inside, a man in a trench coat on one side, a sailor on another, a family of misfits at a table, and a large person at the bar itself. He sat next to the person at the bar in order to grab a drink, something to take his mind off the place when a voice cut through the deathly silence. 
"You chose your path now." 
Tom looked back at the person next to him and they didn't move while the rest of the people in the bar just... faded away. They disappeared without a trace. Back to the person they crushed their glass and turned to Tom revealing red eyes in a dark silhouette that shrieked at him. Tom got up and ran out of the bar as fast as he possibly could, this strange dream has turned to a nightmare. 

This story will not yet end. This is only the beginning. I shall chronicle this tale until it's end, what I release is yet to be known. Until the time comes that more things appear be patient and the story shall unfold. 
                                                                              -The Documentarian

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