Chapter 6 : Hope

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The crowd froze, petrified.

The bandit leader screamed in horror as he watched his severed arm fall to the ground.

"Get this rascal for me!!!" He shouted, pointing straight ahead. He retreated to a corner as the group of bandits began charging towards Geng Chen and Murong Li.

The young assassin, still holding on tightly to the feeble prince, swerved left and right. The bandits' swords and sabers lunged at him from all directions. Geng Chen was incredibly fast; his feet glided across the grass like seabirds drifting over waters. The bandits struggled to lay a finger on him.

As quick as he was, it was difficult for Geng Chen to suppress all the bandits at once. With one arm occupied, he only managed to decrease the bandits' numbers by half after much resistance.

Geng Chen knew that wasting time and energy to eliminate these barbarians were meaningless. Seeing the weak state Murong Li was in, he knew that the young prince's safety and wellbeing was his priority. As soon as he saw the opportunity to transport Murong Li back into the carriage and leave, the rope that tied the horse to the carriage was abruptly cut off. Free from its restraint, the horse ran off instantaneously. The carriage was subsequently knocked over by the bandits and smashed to bits.

"Want to escape?!" The bandit leader, who has been watching the events unfold from a short distance, laughed menacingly to himself. "I don't think so!"

Like a madman, he lunged towards Murong Li from behind and grabbed onto his shoulder.

Murong Li dropped the box containing the Yaoguang Royal Seal in his hands from the sudden shock and force.

Geng Chen, without turning around, thrust his sword back and impaled the bandit leader's neck. Blood spurted from his mouth as he fell over and died on the spot.

Amid the chaos, the box was kicked around on the ground. It was impossible to keep sight of it as the bandits continued to aggressively attack Geng Chen and Murong Li.

About five-hundred meters down the road, a man leading a small of group of guards dressed in lavish uniforms and armed with shiny swords, began heading up the hill.

"Eh? What's all the commotion up there?" The man's voice was mellow and of a higher pitch.

Mo Lan (莫澜, 26), an acclaimed magistrate, with olive skin and dark circles under his eyes. Based on the silk garments and expensive accessories he was wearing, one can immediately tell he came from a wealthy background.

 Based on the silk garments and expensive accessories he was wearing, one can immediately tell he came from a wealthy background

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A guard replied, "Magistrate Mo, permit me to go up and check."

Mo Lan nodded. He and the rest of the guards stayed behind to wait.

After a short while, the guard returned. "Replying to Magistrate Mo, there seems to be a fight involving bandits ahead. Should we proceed?"

Mo Lan waved his hand. "I can't let a couple of rogue fighters obstruct my path! If I'm late, how will I report to His Majesty? Prepare to head up the hill!"

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